What The Hell Happened To Charles Johnson?

Not that anyone knows, I just thought I should ask.

UPDATE: I mean, wow.

posted by Dave on 12.05.09 at 08:19 PM


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He went off the deep end?

He was always an egomaniacal turd who thinks his opinions are Papal decrees?


John Drake   ·  December 5, 2009 09:26 PM

He went off the deep end?

He was always an egomaniacal turd who thinks his opinions are Papal decrees?


John Drake   ·  December 5, 2009 09:26 PM

Another slow day? Nothing worth talking about to talk about?

I've been pruning blogs like that off my reading list.

I gather your hit rate is such that you don't need me?

Larry Sheldon   ·  December 5, 2009 09:38 PM

Maybe he's simply supporting whoever the President happens to be. He didn't turn left until the election. For about a year before the election he looked like he was adjusting his opinions (and which opinions he emphasized) to fit McCain's anticipated election.

Joseph Hertzlinger   ·  December 6, 2009 01:02 AM

"...and if you disagree with me, you must be a racist." - Greg Gutfeld's closing for each "Gregalogue." But we know that he's joking when he says it.

Wayne Dougherty   ·  December 6, 2009 02:17 AM

The lizardoid being we knew as "Charles" was killed over a year ago, when the cigars finally exploded the nitrogen in the bunker. Since that time, the blog had been maintained by a human impostor.
Recently, the mothership delivered a replacement, a crechemate of Charles who wasn't on Earth in 2001 and who therefore has not adopted Charles's post-9/11 positions.
The new Charles, therefore, is just like the pre-9/11 Charles, only infuriated by all the wingnuts he discovered in his comments section and on his blogroll.

Eric Wilner   ·  December 6, 2009 08:44 AM

His transformation has all the signs of a metro scorned.

Brett   ·  December 6, 2009 09:12 AM

"I gather your hit rate is such that you don't need me?"

Why Larry, are you flouncing? :-D

pst314   ·  December 6, 2009 12:07 PM

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