The narrative has changed! Now it's all about abortion!

Now that the Democrats are fresh in the glow of their victory in the House of Representatives, I am seeing this new meme everywhere, a Philadelphia Inquirer writeup being typical. The headline is "Abortion threatens health bill," but I think the subtext is to encourage a repeat of the same bait-and-switch tactics that took the Republicans by surprise at the last minute in the House.

WASHINGTON - A political storm gathered yesterday over efforts to restrict coverage for abortion in the health-care overhaul, threatening to swamp Democrats' efforts to pass President Obama's signature legislative initiative by year's end.

As the Senate takes up its version of the legislation, abortion opponents there are seeking tougher curbs at least in line with those just approved in the House.

Sen. Ben Nelson (D., Neb.) said yesterday he could not support a bill unless it clearly prohibited federal dollars from going to pay for abortions. He said he was weighing options, including an amendment similar to the one passed by the House over the weekend.

"I want to make sure something comparable . . . is in there," Nelson said.

The House restrictions, offered in an amendment by Rep. Bart Stupak (D., Mich.) and Joseph R. Pitts (R., Pa.), were the price that Speaker Nancy Pelosi - who supports abortion rights - paid to get a health-care bill passed, on a narrow 220-215 vote.

But it has prompted a backlash from liberals at the core of her party.

Abortion-rights supporters in the House were circulating a letter addressed to Pelosi, threatening to vote against a final bill that restricts access to abortion coverage. At least 40 lawmakers had signed on by early yesterday - enough to block passage.

Notice that the debate has shifted focus -- from one on whether there should be government health care to whether abortion should be included. I now expect a flurry of manipulative amendments back and forth -- the hope being that the focus on abortion will cause people (both legislators and the general public) to forget what used to be the issue.

I have to say, I never would have imagined that just as the Democrats were poised to ruin the health care system and destroy a huge chunk of the free market, the debate would be over abortion.

If the Republicans (supposedly the party of fiscal restraint and small government) cannot see how turning this into an abortion debate will help get the bill passed, I don't think there's much hope for them.

posted by Eric on 11.10.09 at 09:22 AM


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K said it right in MIB. Individuals are smart. People are stupid.

That can now be updated to say Republicans are stupid.

Hoss   ·  November 10, 2009 10:10 AM

If I read the reports correctly a lot of the important resistance to abortion coverage came from Democrats representing districts not in love with abortion. I haven't noticed that the Republican party as a whole is particularly opposed, platform planks to the contrary. They make gestures but nothing much happens.

Mark Shea describes them as the Stupid Party and the Evil Party; which seems fairly accurate.

James   ·  November 10, 2009 02:33 PM

I'm beginning to come to the conclusion that abortion is the only thing some voters care about - pro or con. And they are all fighting mad. I was looking at the NRLC list and there are a lot of 0%s and 100%s.

I can't see any profit in getting in the middle of this war for government unless government needs a war to bury its mistakes.

M. Simon   ·  November 10, 2009 02:39 PM

Our political betters are becoming no better than any random internet troll.

They always try to get you debating stupid stuff so you get off the original subject and get all caught up in idiocies.

Lots of people get sucked into that deal, most people do it at least a few times.

My only hope on this is that it's a strategy for defeating the thing. You can't get in the front door? Go around back.

My biggest problem is that I don't think the GOP "leadership" is that intelligent.
Unlike Bush, who was a machiavellian idiot, they're just idiots.

Veeshir   ·  November 10, 2009 07:26 PM

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