Israeli Settlers Shelter Gay Palestinian

An Orthodox Jewish family shelters a gay Palestinian.

Here's a wild story, courtesy of YNet. T is a gay Palestinian who for the past 10 years has been living in Israel with his partner, an Israeli Jew named Doron. A few days ago, he heard that his father was ill, and he ventured across the border into the West Bank to visit him. When he tried to return, however, the IDF told him his permit had been lost, maybe revoked. T was stuck: he couldn't go back home to Israel, and he couldn't return to his village, for fear of being murdered because he is openly gay.

T was offered shelter by an Orthodox Jewish family, living in one of the settlements in the West Bank. Thanks to a generous, humanitarian gesture by one of those evil, nasty, gun-toting, messiah-heralding, baby-producing, Bible-thumping settlers, T has hope and room to breathe.

You have to wonder what organizations like Queers for Palestine hope to accomplish. Of course the gay community is not monolithic on the subject.
What makes QUIT and their slogan "Queers for Palestine" such foolish rhetoric is that these gay people's affinity for Palestine is clearly unrequited. If these "queers" want to march around with their delusional banners for Palestine then they are free to make that irrational mistake. But do they think Palestine is for them? Queers for Palestine = laughable. Palestine for queers = horrendous torture and death.
Anti-gay bigotry in America, despicable though it is, is very mild by comparison. The difficulty is, that over time such bigotry can morph into something worse. Much worse. "Undesirables" didn't suddenly find themselves in German death camps over night. First the ground was prepared. The hate was intensified. And then the trains started rolling.
Although many gays across the world are not members of these organizations, they basically share their views. I have met hundreds of them, whether I am home in New York or abroad in Europe. This is the frightening part -- some gay people hate Jews to the point that they are ready to unite with people who are killing their own kind to fight and protest what they consider a common enemy. They would make a pact with their own enemy, with their own murderers, against the Jewish state.

This is what "Queers for Palestine" is for. In response, the homosexual and Jewish communities should unite against Islam; for it is the Muslims who seek the death of all gays and Jews.

I take a look at the progression from hate to mass murder in a piece on the drug war called How To Put An End To Drug Users. Or if you prefer a book:

Drug Warriors and Their Prey: From Police Power to Police State

You start with hate and wind up with crimes against humanity. So does this mean I favor hate crime laws? Hell No. What I ask is that people look into their hearts.

H/T Judith Weiss on Facebook

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 11.01.09 at 04:35 PM


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What is fascinating is that although Islam condemns homosexuality and spells out awful punishments, traditional enforcement was very difficult, as everyone denied it and multiple witnesses to the sex act were required. (Which meant that accusers had a lot of explaining to do!)

What is happening now is new. Gays are being persecuted for being admitted homosexuals, i.e., publicly gay, and not for acts. Being gay is seen as an admission of public immorality akin to heresy, atheism, and apostasy. Under the old system, homosexuality was widespread, but never discussed.

People sometimes think the West has "introduced" homosexuality into Muslim society, which is mistaken. What has been introduced is the idea of being openly gay.

Eric Scheie   ·  November 2, 2009 09:49 AM

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