Denial is powerful!
And we may never know why the Wall fell!

I can't believe it's been twenty years since the Wall came tumbling down. The Berlin Wall that is. I was born in 1954, at the height of the Cold War, and I remember when the wall went up. I was seven, and it happened at about the same time as Nikita Khrushchev's infamous shoe banging at the UN. The wall, of course, was heavily fortified and designed to stay up, and along with everyone else I assumed it would never come down in my lifetime. People were willing to do almost anything to get across it, I remember stories about mothers throwing babies over it so they could grow up in freedom. And I remember sitting with my father (who was dying) and watching it fall. He had watched the rise of Bolshevism as a boy, served in World War II and its aftermath, and could not believe he had actually lived to see such a thing happen.

The Communists' policy (denied, of course) had long been to shoot anyone caught attempting to escape:

"Don't hesitate to use your weapon even when border breaches happen with women and children, which traitors have often exploited in the past."
Denial is a great weapon, and not only did it help the Communist killing machine, it's the main reason that Communism has never been addressed properly. That's because denial is contagious. It promotes silence.

Which is why I decided to write this post, even though I don't have anything new or profound to add. I feel strongly about this, and dutiful, perhaps, but I don't feel creative. Sorry. (How many times and in how many ways can I say that Communism is the most murderous system known to man? Or that it hasn't been properly addressed?) If you want something more creative, I suggest pieces like this:

"Twenty years later, we still haven't come to terms with the scope of our deliverance."
He's right, and so is Glenn, who responds,
That's because many of our opinion-leaders don't regard it as deliverance at all.
No they don't, and I think it's because of the power of denial.

The Communists tried to deny their murderous policies (about the wall, and about almost everything else their propaganda machine deemed in need of denying). Lefties here were prone to echo the official Communist Party line, which was not to deny the wall's existence, but to deny that border crossers were targeted, and incredibly, to claim with a straight face that the wall was built to keep Westerners from coming in. I knew people who said this. But then, I was living in Berkeley, a city whose officials "celebrated the anniversary of the Berlin Wall--on the eastern side--while it was still standing." And now we have a president who apparently believes the Russians ended the Cold War -- despite Reagan.

And who says we shouldn't rush to judgment about stuff.

In his reaction to the horror at Fort Hood, Obama, in detached fashion, urged Americans not to rush to judgment about the motives of the killer Major Nidal Malik Hasan -- despite immediate reports that Hasan had screamed out "Allahu Akabar," as well as been known to post on the Internet inflammatory anti-American, and radical Islamic messages. Each day more incriminating information is released about a clear past record of inflammatory hate speech directed at the U.S. military.
Rushing to judgment is for the "teabag people." For those of us who belong to the smart set, just as "we may never know if religion was a factor at Fort Hood," we may never know why the Berlin Wall went up, or whether Reagan was a factor in bringing it down.

Seeing things that are painfully obvious (that Communism is bad, or that a terrorist murdered American soldiers) is the province of the stupid, the little people, the "teabag" people.

It takes brains to be in denial.

That's what makes it so powerful.

posted by Eric on 11.09.09 at 07:33 PM


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There are psychological studies that prove the stupid actually think that they are the smart ones, and that smart competent people underrate themselves.

Hugh   ·  November 9, 2009 10:21 PM

The fall of the Soviet Union has taught these idiots nothing. You can just hear the voices in their head. "We are smarter than the stupid Soviets. We have Degrees from Harvard."

Or as Orwell liked to say:

"Some things are so stupid, only an intellectual could believe them."

M. Simon   ·  November 9, 2009 11:10 PM

The American leftist intellectuals who defended (and continue to defend) communism? They're not stupid. They're merely evil.

Rhodium Heart   ·  November 10, 2009 12:43 AM

M. Simon, FrnakJ has a very scientifical analysis of the Left that explains it all.

but there is a lesser known fifth stage(3) that some reach and become trapped in called postoperational thought. This is when one's mind becomes so overtaken by navel gazing and hypotheticals completely divorced from experience that his or her mental acuity now operates barely above the senorimotor stage. It's a special state of stupidity that only the most intelligent can reach. To give an example, let's say there is a tree lying in one's path. If it were a simple creature approaching the tree, such as a dog, it would walk around the tree, not knowing of any other option. But, a very intelligent person in the postoperational thought stage could, using his vast intelligence, explain away the existence of the tree and walk right into it. A great intellect is required to be that dumb.

It's funny cuz it's true.

And because FrnakJ is very darn funny of course.

Veeshir   ·  November 10, 2009 07:45 PM

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