At least Teabagging won't give you anal poisoning!

Anyone remember the good old days when the political world was divided into wingnuts and moonbats?

Whether it was a more civil world, at least it was a cleaner one. Nowadays, to get their point across, political ideologues increasingly resort to sexualized insults -- the raunchier the better! At the highest levels of government, Tea Party activists are routinely referred to as "Teabaggers" -- a sexual term which would be considered homophobic if it were directed against gay activists, but the use of gay sex slurs against conservatives is considered fine because it is supposed to show them to be "hypocrites." How that works, I don't know. I went to a Tea Party rally, so presumably this would make me a "teabagger" in leftie parlance. What I can't figure out is how I'm supposed to feel chagrined because people like Maxine Waters and Keith Olbermann would insinuate that about my sexual practices.

Olbermann BTW, is also keeping a very careful count of the number of times that Rush Limbaugh has used the expression "anal poisoning" to characterize the diseases that liberals might suffer when they engage in too much of what used to be called "ass kissing" or "brown nosing."

"13 times in two years!" Olbermann fumes authoritatively.

Well gag me with a fork! (If the fork hasn't been superseded by other things that might gag....) There used to be a term for guys who kept such meticulous accounts.

Anal retentive.

And being anally retentive can lead to severe constipation, which can lead to -- guess what -- fatal anal poisoning!

The body must eliminate stool in a timely manner in order to remove toxins and harmful bacteria. If no constipation remedy is found, then the harmful bacteria and toxins present in the feces will be reabsorbed into the bloodstream. At first, this merely strains the immune system and causes minor cellular damage. However, the bacteria levels will continue to climb until they cause a massive body-wide infection known as septicemia. Septicemia can lead to death unless treated with antibiotics.
So Olbermann ought to be careful. Because someone else suffering from his form of anal retentiveness might come along and count the number of times he has said "anal poisoning," and if it's considered a serious matter for Rush to have said it 13 times in two years, that's a rate of about six times a year, which is once every other month -- a rate Olbermann has already exceeded in a single program.

Now, I don't watch television programs, least of all Olbermann's, so don't expect me to turn him on and sit there with a clicker and click it every time he says "anal poisoning." But I think it's worth asking which of the following is more anally obsessive:

  • making six "anal poisoning" wisecracks a year? or
  • counting the number of "anal poisoning" wisecracks someone else makes in a year
  • Sooner or later, someone really ought to do an Olbermann anal count to see how "impacted" he might be.

    I won't, because I'm just too impatient.

    Besides, I'd feel dirty if I did.

    posted by Eric on 11.07.09 at 12:05 PM


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    If Olberman was more fleet he could get away from all that retentiveness. He could clean up his act.

    M. Simon   ·  November 7, 2009 03:39 PM

    And rightly so. Anyone who watches olbie definitely needs to hose out his brain, at the very least.

    Charlie   ·  November 7, 2009 08:25 PM

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