Winning A War With A Warmer

Always open up in the attack mode:

There is no way to know for sure but is it possible that the proponents of Climate Catastrophe are being paid by Al "I'm going to make billions off of carbon trading" Gore to push his agenda? He and his friends stand to make a LOT of money if they can get Congress to act in the fashion they desire.

Also, it wouldn't hurt to read a book:

Red Hot Lies: How Global Warming Alarmists Use Threats, Fraud, and Deception to Keep You Misinformed

Inspired by Tall Dave's dust up with some warmistas. (in the comments)

Cross Posted at Classical Values

posted by Simon on 10.20.09 at 05:29 AM


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Another great book is
"Heaven and Earth; Global Warming, the missing Science" by Ian Plimer.

Heaven and Earth: Global Warming, the Missing Science

This will make you laugh out loud when anybody mentions that there is Man Made Global Warming.
It also will make you very angry at the Hoax/Fraud/Scam being perpetuated by Al Gore.

Everyone concernd about AGW should read it and calm way, way down. It ain't no thing at all!

kzgoblu   ·  October 23, 2009 01:31 AM

That comment thread is a zoo.

Tom DeGisi

Tom DeGisi   ·  October 23, 2009 06:29 PM


I just checked to see what has happened since my last visit and I'll match your zoo and raise you a freak show.

Some real sick puppies over there.

M. Simon   ·  October 23, 2009 06:42 PM

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