A Three Percenter Speaks

I found an interesting comment at The statists' fear and loathing of the Oath Keepers.

In the end, too, we can always lean back on this concept with the control freaks, a concept which Vanderboegh makes brilliantly: the instant that the law fails to protect us from the state, making it null and void--that being the whole point of that charter-document thingy, after all--it also no longer protects the state from us. And for anyone who whines about the current dialogue being "uncivil", what with people speaking frankly and displaying a willingness to resist: remember, these are the people who want to talk. These are the nice guys. It might be prudent not to shut them down, lest others start to pop up. Anyone who thinks that won't happen is, as the saying goes, whistling past the graveyard of history.
Which is why the White House war on Fox News will hurt the ∅ administration in the end.

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 10.24.09 at 12:22 PM


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I am starting to fear that we are living in revolutionary times. An out-of-touch, over-educated but brain-dead elite has pushed and pushed and pushed and I think there's going to be a major push-back. This isn't Holland or Japan or the Modern Day UK where a docile population will just mindlessly accept whatever their "betters" dictate to them.

It's not going to be pretty. It's not going to be a good thing (definitely so in the short run) for most of us. But nothing lasts forever in this world and, sadly, the kiddies in the Obama Administration -- starting but not ending with the man at the top -- don't understand that you can only tamper with the fabric of society so much before you leave it in tatters.

We are living in interesting times. Sadly.

Rhodium Heart   ·  October 24, 2009 03:11 PM

Would that we were living in interesting times.
The fire that once animated our collective soul has been extinguished.
In the aftermath of Waco, a fellow I knew was incensed. He was a retired Marine officer, owned a rural grocery and bar, and dabbled in local politics. Over beers at his bar, he vowed to wage a "war" against the Justice Department, the BATF, the FBI, and Janet "Burn 'm Alive" Reno. He started out by writing letters to the editor of the local paper. Then progressed to forming a local militia.
What happened?
He was raided by the ATF for alleged gun sale violations. They had this 280 lb. Marine sprawled out on the floor of his establishment. His wife was also roughed up.
His daughter who lived nearby was also raided. Their bank accounts were frozen. He lost his contract with the U.S. Postal Service for his rural Post Office.
In short, he had the crap beat out of him.
To protect his family, he sold out and moved to Lakeview, Oregon. Now 70+ years old, diabetic and half senile, he's been neutralized.
And that is exactly how the forces of statism will deal with "revolutionary times".
Don't you know who Obama is and how his kind deal with opposition?

Frank   ·  October 24, 2009 10:46 PM

The Left continues to game the system through election fraud and activists judges and gets away with it because we have demonstrated to them that it's more important to us to keep playing by the rules than protect our rights and Constitution. This is why I advocate rather than Tea Party events we divide up into groups and show up at small events with the politicians that are behind this mess. As Glenn Reynolds and others point out, the politicians can try to ignore a half-million Tea Party people in DC, let them try to ignore a thousand local citizens at your Congressman's district office. Also stop beginning and ending every angry political discussion with careful explanations that you denounce violence or want to play within the system.

The Left will twist every word of every regulation to arrive at their predetermined conclusion and we should force them to stop it. The media will tone down and explain away anything short of revolution. They will also call anything more agressive than wearing white gloves and bowing before the messiah as a vicious and racist attack. We will be blamed for the worst possible heresy against the messiah regardless of what we do so we might as well support the effective techniques of revolution. Nothing is more patriotic than tar and feathers for oppressive overlords. This country was created by an uprising over a puny tea tax and we are watching fascism being implemented and hoping for an outcome in an election.

Scott M   ·  October 25, 2009 03:29 AM


John Brown was ahead of his time. If you want to swim in a sea you first have to create the sea. Then you have to go underground if you intend to create an active resistance.

The problem with your Marine friend is that he had not thought things through. He assumed that his opposition would play fair.

None the less he did some good. There have been no more Wacos - so far.

Gun sales are up and ammunition is hard to get. I take this as a good sign.

If you get too far ahead of the curve you will have trouble.

I intend to limit my actions to supporting change through political means. Doug Hoffman. Sarah Palin. etc.

I sincerely wish and hope a shooting revolution will not be necessary.

Scott M,

I sincerely believe this is 1766 and not 1776 and act accordingly. More petitions. More demonstrations. My critter in Congress - Don Manzullo - is pretty good.

M. Simon   ·  October 25, 2009 06:44 AM

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