Forging A Consensus

Do your part for global warming by supporting Tim Blair at the Green Awards:

Blair continues to drive fast and furious and cackle publicly about leaving as big a carbon footprint as possible.

Tim offers a rousing self-endorsement:

Napkins? Ha! No napkin is more disappointing than me.

Vote now! Tim's got a good lead at 645-102 but let's not take anything for granted. We need to send a message and deliver an overwhelming mandate that cannot be ignored!

UPDATE: The stakes have been raised. Won't someone please think of the children?

For anyone having trouble voting, the category is "Can Do Better." It's on the first row, far right.

posted by Dave on 08.18.09 at 11:15 PM


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Currently with 670 votes. Others have received 126 (Peter Garrett) and 73 (Steve Fielding).

Go, Tim, go!

OregonGuy   ·  August 19, 2009 10:37 AM

It says "Vote now in the ten categories below," but I can't tell which category is Tim Blair's.

Has he been edited out?

Eric Scheie   ·  August 19, 2009 12:40 PM

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