The Drug War Is A War On You

Here are some other videos in the series.

This one is especially heart wrenching:
Unable To Help - the Good Juice

Love, Death, and the War On Drugs:
I'm Not A Good Deal

These videos were prompted by a comment at Who Pays? by Ms. Cris Ericson.

(1) The Vermont Board of Medical Practice has raised the cost to patients in Vermont by forcing them to go to HMO's and the Vermont Board of Medical Practice has done this by driving family practice doctors out; and it is more expensive because the doctors who are allowed to stay in business are required to send chronic pain patients to specialty clinics that force patients to sign "contracts" and will not treat them if they dont'; and these "contracts" force patients to submit to humiliating and demeaning criminal probation procedures of drug urine testing the patients for illegal drugs, for which the doctors have no search warrants and no private right of action to charge these innocent disabled patients with a crime.

So, the COST of medical practice in Vermont goes higher and higher by invention of this type of specialty clinic and the associated UNNECESSARY TESTING!

Vermont News

2nd story: Vermont Board of Medical Practice Criminalizes Prescription Painkillers!

The Vermont News! website directly links to the Vermont Board of Medical Practice website where, if you search "actions" and click on 2009 and scroll down to In re Mitchel R. Miller, M.D.,
you will see that one of the filed documents is by Phil Ciotti, INVESTIGATOR, who claims that he told a patient THE STREET VALUE OF HER PRESCRIPTIONS, and allegedly, because he abused her by scaring her and frightening her, she allegedly agreed to give up taking prescription painkillers.

But for the fact that the Investigator for the Vermont Board of Medical Practice allegedly threatened and terrified a patient BY TELLING HER THE STREET VALUE OF HER PRESCRIPTIONS, she would not have agreed to stop taking them.


Yes it is.

Think of what it will be like when the government is 100% in control of medicine.

You can read more stories about the War On People in Pain at Pain Relief Network.

And of course I have written extensively on the subject. It is my belief - backed up by facts - that addicts are in chronic pain and that pain is not yet recognized by the medical profession. It has happened before with fibromyalgia. At one time fibromyalgia patients were treated by the medical profession as common addicts. No longer.

The Pain In The Brain

Addiction Is A Genetic Disease

Is Addiction Real?


PTSD and the Endocannabinoid System

Is your pain legal?

And we want to hand the medical profession over to more ENFORCERS with guns? Why?

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 07.26.09 at 12:37 PM


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Very interesting articles, the question is how was it determined that the addicts had under gone trauma? If it is merely self reporting, this is not nearly so interesting.

ricksa   ·  July 28, 2009 07:30 PM


Quite so. But there is evidence from War. And that is verifiable.

The Ma'ariv story, "What Have I Done! -- A Hundred Soldiers Treated for 'Intifada Syndrome,'" focused on the Izun "rehabilitation village" near the town of Ceasarea. There, Ma'ariv reported, former soldiers are treated for deep mental crises, including severe drug abuse, caused by their duties as soldiers of the occupation. On the day Ma'ariv visited the village, four ex-members of the Duvdevan (special forces units carrying out arrests and assassinations while disguised as Arabs) checked in.

"They joined the most elite of units, full of motivation," wrote Ma'ariv. "They served terms of three years and more, fought in the hardest battles of the Intifada, but also had to face the civilian Palestinian population. Now that they have been discharged the difficulties are exposed, the personal problems and crises, the self-flagellation. The magnitude of the phenomenon is frightening. Dozens of them went on backpacking trips to the Far East where they became addicted to drugs, including hard drugs such as heroin and cocaine. Some tried to commit suicide."

"When we started a year and eight months ago, we had the intention of treating those backpacker soldiers returning from India, Thailand and other places in a condition of total collapse, apathetic and with no grasp of reality," said Israeli army reserve lieutenant-colonel Omri Frish, a social worker by training who organized the village. "We were staggered by the number of calls we got. We got more then 900 calls from parents with very painful stories of sons becoming drug addicts, trying to commit suicide and generally emotionally distressed," he told Ma'ariv. "Many of these were veterans of the most prestigious elite units such as Sayeret Matkal, the Naval Commandos, Duvdevan and Duchifat."

M. Simon   ·  July 28, 2009 08:14 PM

Also there are high rates of substance abuse among police and EMTs.

In fact we now know even more. Police in some jurisdictions are being trained to look for signs of PTSD in the populace they police in order to better help keep the peace. Some markers that stand out in children are abuse of legal and illegal drugs. Cocaine. Alcohol. Heroin. Pot.

The Western New York Rural Mental Health Partnership advises police that " 'self medication' with alcohol or illegal drugs is a common complication found in adolescents with mental health problems."

The Massachusetts Department of Mental Health says "Youths who suffer from PTSD frequently use alcohol or other drugs to 'self-medicate' in an attempt to dull painful memories or psychological torment."

M. Simon   ·  July 28, 2009 08:27 PM

Thanks for the follow up.

ricksa   ·  July 29, 2009 12:09 PM

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