Recovery from crime (and capitalism)

In his discussion of how British crime statistics have hit an all time high (while the right to self defense has been virtually abolished), Andrew Ian Dodge highlights a nightmarish leftist scenario I'd never heard about before: bringing criminal attackers into hospitals to visit their victims. That way, they can say they're sorry so everyone can live in peace and happiness forever in the "Truth and Reconciliation" world of John Lennon's Imagine fantasy:

As if the victims of knife crime (of whom there were more than 20,000 last year, according to figures released yesterday) do not already suffer enough.

Henceforth, as they are being patched up in hospital, they face the prospect of being visited by the knife-wielders who put them there.

This variation on the theme of restorative justice is designed, according to Jacqui Smith, the Home Secretary, to "shock" young thugs into changing their behaviour by confronting them with the bloody reality of what a stab can do.

Never mind the aggravated trauma to the recovering patient.

It's very easy to roll our eyes and say that it's only Great Britain, but the fact is that there are plenty of leftist crackpots who would drool over the possibility of doing exactly the same thing here.

What I can never figure out is what drives such people. Is it idealism? Or is it malice? Granting them the benefit of the doubt and assuming the former, it's as if they think that everyone is basically good, and that inside every psychopath is a loving human being. And assuming you're a kind and loving person, once you believe that a criminal psychopath is basically just like you inside, it seems quite logical to imagine that if he saw the suffering of his victim in the hospital, he'd feel empathy, say he's sorry, and mend his ways forever. Such naivité is very, very hard for me to comprehend, but I guess it is possible. (In Philadelphia, the Eastern State Penitentiary was originally designed around the idea that criminals would go there to pray and repent. By people who would of course pray and repent if they committed awful crimes.)

Of course, if we attribute malice (of the Marxist totalitarian sort) to the mindset behind this nonsense, it's a lot easier to understand. Criminals are not criminals, but are victims of an affluent capitalist society. And their victims are actually guilty. Of having more. So if the victim suffers more and the criminal suffers less, it's in the interest of building a better world where all are equal, and there is no need for crime. This fits in with the prison abolition movement, and the Stalinist (also Nazi) idea of using psychopathic criminals to deliberately torment political offenders. To be fair, I have to point out that those to whom I impute such malice would not consider Marxism's hatred of capitalist greed to be malicious at all. (Millions of dead notwithstanding.)

Plus, there's the old rule of "never attribute to malice..."

Why, there was even a Stalinist adage, "Mistakes were made."

posted by Eric on 07.20.09 at 10:59 AM


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Simon's Law:
It is unwise to attribute to malice alone that which can be attributed to malice and stupidity.

M. Simon   ·  July 20, 2009 12:05 PM

If they do this here it will last until...ohhh.... about the first time they do it.

Imagine that they have a rapist go visit the young women he raped.

Now imagine that it's not a surprise visit, that it is known that he will be there at such and such a time.

Now imagine you're that young girl's father or brother or husband or what have you.

Now imagine the jury letting you off because it was "justifiable homicide" (or at least through, what's the term? Jury nullification).

This is America after all.

Veeshir   ·  July 20, 2009 12:49 PM

Veeshir... in these parts the defense is sometimes "he needed killing".

To be politically correct, I guess I should assume "she needed killing" would be an acceptable substitute, but then that would bring all the domestic violence stuff into the picture.

Then again, that is applicable because one feature of repeated domestic violence is repeated apologies.

Donna B.   ·  July 20, 2009 02:00 PM

Remind me to take a gun with me to the hospital if I ever end up there after being violently attacked. Then I can shoot the attacker and claim self defense (he stabbed me once, I could only assume he would stab me again).

Honestly, though, this could work for some people, but given that we have no way of knowing who it would work for and we KNOW that it would cause emotional trauma for the victim when they most don't need it (while in the hospital recovering), I would vehemently oppose such a policy unless it involved the clear consent of the victim AND the perp being manacled and guarded by a couple of sizable guards who are trained to tolerate no shenanigans on the part of the perp.

Bolie Williams IV   ·  July 20, 2009 07:23 PM

Deliberate cruelty is forever the Left's true agenda.

Brett   ·  July 21, 2009 07:56 AM

And then read all of the comments about locking up anyone who thinks of carrying a knife because you can't wait until someone actually commits a crime to lock him up!


Fritz   ·  July 21, 2009 09:43 PM

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