Henry Gates - A Study In Anger

Evidently Henry Gates is a Professor at Harvard. His discipline is called Angry Studies. It confers a degree in Anger. The initial degree is BS Anger. The next is Master of Anger. The ultimate is Doctor of Anger. A Doctor of Anger gets to write peer reviewed papers explaining why their anger is special.

Dave Hucker tells me: "I pursued the Anger degree at my local community college. I flunked the Self Righteous Anger semester. Just couldn't justify it."

H/T Iowa Hawk on Facebook

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 07.28.09 at 12:15 AM


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We can all be a "study" in anger.

Would you mind if I didn't sue your ass?

Penny   ·  July 28, 2009 01:24 AM


Penny   ·  July 28, 2009 01:27 AM

Ouch, that sounded tougher than I meant it to be.

Please, by all means, sue my ass!

Anonymous   ·  July 28, 2009 01:42 AM

Redistributing wealth...one law suit at a time.

Penny   ·  July 28, 2009 01:56 AM

Sounds great Lawyers end up with all the money!!

Hugh   ·  July 28, 2009 10:11 AM

This just makes me mad but if I study hard, it could become anger.

JKB   ·  July 28, 2009 02:21 PM

I think it's great how Gates' account and the police report are very similar.

Gates simply doesn't realize he's a big ol' race-baiting asshole, and continued screaming at police officers, in public, is generally a bad idea.

dfenstrate   ·  July 28, 2009 06:40 PM

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