Testing Speakers

I have always liked China Grove as a good test song for Rock 'n Roll speakers. If the mids and highs are good and the bass line thumps clearly I like 'em. This cover of China Grove is pretty durn good. Especially the instrumental portion. Another one I like for testing is Marshall Tucker's Fire On the Mountain which gives a good test of the mids and highs. With just enough bass so IM if severe will show up. Another good one is Bob Dylan's All Along The Watchtower.

Well my mate got me an early Father's Day Present of these speakers: Logitech S220 2.1 Speaker System

How do they sound? Well I like them. Not the thumping base of big floor speakers but for the price she paid - very nice. The bass unit has a volume control so you can adjust the balance to suit. Let me add that the speakers are very quiet when there is no signal. I always like that.

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 06.11.09 at 02:54 AM


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Best speaker test songs:

Run Like Hell, Pink Floyd, The Wall
Never Been Rocked Enough, Delbert McClinton Never Been Rocked Enough
When You See a Chance, Steve Winwood, Arc of a Diver

Also, the whole of Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here album.

Loren Heal   ·  June 11, 2009 05:33 AM

While living in Waco, Texas, I was a member of a gun club whose range was in China Grove.

It is a little place, not far from a middle place, both in a big place.


Tom DeGisi   ·  June 11, 2009 03:31 PM

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