Green for solidarity

No, Classical Values has not "gone green on us" as TigerHawk worried Glenn Reynolds might've. (There are no greenie weenies who blog here.)

However, like many bloggers I want to express solidarity with the protesters in Iran. (Andrew Sullivan, despite my many criticisms of him, is really on board with this one.)

Showing some temporary green is the least I can do.

Persia has a long and proud tradition, and it's a tragedy what has happened for decades under the mullahs.

I hope the protesters win.

posted by Eric on 06.17.09 at 12:49 PM


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One good things has resulted from the election fraud in Iran. The scale of this fraud was so great and was so clumsily executed that it has completely destroyed the government's claim that Iran is a democracy.

chocolatier   ·  June 17, 2009 01:09 PM

I hope the protesters win.

Me too. But..... I can't figure out what they think they're doing or even what "winning" would look like.

If, as Michael Totten says is possible to probable, the election was an attempt to turn Iran from an Islamic Theocracy to a plain, old, military dictatorship, then they're protesting to go back to the theocracy.

But... as seems probable to me, they're really just angry about all the sham elections and they're getting revolting (Patrick Henry revolting), then they won't be happy with this choice of at least some of the Mad Mullahs.

If you are allowed to run for President (how do you say, "El Presidente" in Farsi?), you are a favored son of the brutal dictators of that country.

They'll need a full blown revolution and, as we all know, revolutions don't always (or even usually) end up with freedom and stuff without some outside help (read, "Anglosphere").

And there will be plenty of outside help for a new set of dictators from everybody from Russia to China to Pakistan.

I'm rooting for them, I really hope they win their freedom.

Veeshir   ·  June 17, 2009 01:12 PM

Hey, nice post, really well written. You should post more about this.

How I Make $300 a Day Online   ·  June 17, 2009 06:05 PM

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