At last! A sign of recovery!

The DC Examiner's Chief Political Correspondent Byron York has just asked Rush Limbaugh if he had "any numbers he could share on just what effect the increased visibility has had on his business."

According to Limbaugh, the numbers are "through the roof" -- which prompted the following economic observation from York:

...the most decisive economic stimulus produced by the Obama administration so far has been at the Excellence in Broadcasting Network.
Well, the economic recovery had to start someplace!

posted by Eric on 03.06.09 at 11:47 AM


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Which is why Rush Limbaugh as the de facto leader of the Republican party is possibly the greatest gift that could be given to the Obama administration.

From Rush Limbaugh's perspective, if become even more marginalized and lose every national election in 2010, but his audience increases by a few million listeners, he will have been a "success." God bless you, Rush. Keep up the good work.

Dr. Nobel Dynamite   ·  March 6, 2009 12:57 PM

To clarify the above: ...if *Republicans* become even more marginalized and lose every national election in 2010...

Dr. Nobel Dynamite   ·  March 6, 2009 01:07 PM

Dr. Kablooie,

You are wrong for this simple reason. While Rush's listenership may be increasing, with a collapsing economy his ad revenue is going to collapse. Rush will make more money with a strong economy and fewer listeners than he will when people are listening to him as they stand on the corner, trying to sell iMacs. I'm sure that Rush knows this.

Hey, maybe those political cartoons from the '80's are going to come true now!

P.S. You are also assuming that Rush is immoral and that he would want everyone else to suffer so that he could prosper.

Brian   ·  March 6, 2009 06:28 PM

Rush has said that his business model relies on a strong economy. He makes his money from advertisers who will only pay his "confiscatory ad rates" if they too are making money off his listeners. That requires a strong economy where everyone is spending.

nash   ·  March 6, 2009 08:43 PM

You've missed a key indicator. Check the stock prices of Ruger and Smith & Wesson.

Dynamite. Indeed. Weren't you sold to RUAG back in '02? Don't know--do ya?

comatus   ·  March 7, 2009 01:29 AM

Don't get sidetracked.

Plenty of arguments to go around for all parties.

This isn't about "what" is happening. It's about WHY this "what" is happening.

Penny   ·  March 7, 2009 03:20 AM

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