shadows rock at the park

Earlier today I had a wonderful lunch with Judith Weiss (of the great Keshertalk blog) at my favorite Japanese restaurant, following which we went to the Albany Waterfront Trail Park.


We found a beautiful little dream house that some artists built, and I handed my camera to Judith while I went inside and peered out the window.


Then Judith climbed up and admired the dramatic view of San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge from the roof.


I was also interested in what our lengthening shadows were doing, and in this picture, it appears that they are being leered at by Marty Feldman, who's face is painted on a rock!


(That's my shadow on the left, and Judith's on the right.)

The more I looked at my shadow, the more it appeared that it was doing things beyond my control, and interacting with some of the images painted on the rocks.

I saw a particularly forlorn-looking face on a rock which looked for the world to be afraid of my shadow, so I thought I should reassure it by petting it on the head.


Until today I didn't know rocks had emotions, but they do!

And I think rock emotions may be contagious, because Judith got into the spirit of things, and I caught her engaged in hugging a rock!


(Cynics might argue that the rock had a heart of stone, but we know better!)

posted by Eric on 12.02.08 at 11:51 PM


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A lot of those rocks look rather concrete to me.

M. Simon   ·  December 3, 2008 11:56 AM

It's funny, it took me until your comment about the Golden Gate Bridge before I realized you weren't at the Albany, NY waterfront park.

There is a very good Japanese restaurant in the greater Albany metropolitan region too.

Veeshir   ·  December 3, 2008 02:12 PM

Engineers are always concrete in their analyses!

Eric Scheie   ·  December 3, 2008 04:33 PM

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