Too Risque - Needs A Coverup

It seems that Mr. Obama is not proud of his friends. It also looks like McCain is going after this with everything he has got.
I suspect this is not the end of this subject, either. I'd expect at least one more ad featuring John Murtaugh, the son of the judge whose home got bombed by the Weather Underground. Murtaugh, who is running for the New York state legislature, has already released a statement through the McCain campaign attacking Obama for associating with an unrepentant leader of the terrorist organization that tried to kill him as a boy. I'm certain he will happily participate in an ad to put a human face on Ayers' terrorism.
Want to learn more about Obama's relationship with Ayres? I have links:

Axelrod Makes An Offering
Ayers And Obama Care About Children
Barney Frank Frankly Not Frank
Corruption Eruption
On The Verge
Where There Is Truth There Is Fire
So Many Choices
A Little Exchange

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 10.09.08 at 08:03 AM


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"Want to learn more about Obama's relationship with Ayres?"

The American public covers its ears and sings "lalalala."

Assistant Village Idiot   ·  October 9, 2008 09:12 AM

Or, perhaps the American public learned about Obama's "relationship" with Ayers during the primaries, decided that it was an overblown and largely manufactured issue, and decided to actually care more about the candidates' policy proposals.

Apparently voters think things like sustainable energy, health care, and foreign policy, are all more relevant that William Ayers. Crazy, isn't it?

Dr. Nobel Dynamite   ·  October 9, 2008 10:02 AM

You have a typo.

"It also looks like McCain is going after this with everything he has got left."

Which isn't much, I might add.

Sigh   ·  October 9, 2008 10:07 AM

Yes, I agree Dr. Nobel, it would be crazy for people to not care about the mindset of the man who wants to take the helm on all these important issues. Besides, despite your hypothetical, I'm sure you agree that very few people knew about this stuff during the primaries. Very few know about it today.

tim maguire   ·  October 9, 2008 10:33 AM

Every parent is concerned about who their children hang out with. It's common sense. And when you are an adult and hang out with the wrong crowd and you want to run our lives and represent us, it's my responsibility to decide if you should be allowed or not. I'm thinking not.

Scott Lassiter   ·  October 9, 2008 11:09 AM


No one is suggesting that people should ignore the "mindset" of the candidate. What is clear, however, is that voters are increasingly concerned more about the candidates' policy proposals regarding real issues that affect people's lives, and decreasingly concerned about vacuous innuendo. Which is terrible news for Republicans.

Obviously, McCain and Palin agree. When the conversation is focused on the economy, foreign policy, energy, health care, or any other substantive issue, they lose. Their only hope at this point is to completely ignore the issues and hope that they can hoodwink enough people to do the same on election day.

Dr. Nobel Dynamite   ·  October 9, 2008 11:18 AM

To me, Ayers is beyond the pale. He is not a peripheral issue, or irrelevant, however much folks like Dr. Nobel tell us "nobody wants to talk about it" (oddly enough, people like him can always be counted upon to show up where the topic is under discussion to inform us that nobody is discussing it).

I wouldn't have anything to do with a murderous bastard like Ayers, nor do I want anything to do with some clown who hangs out with him and blows smoke about him being "just some guy in the neighborhood." When Obama stands up to be counted, it's always with scum like Wright, Pfleger, Ayers and Dorhn, or Rezko. But that's a distraction, according to the Doctor, for whom there is no evil on the left.

Ayers and his gang murdered several policemen, and a Brinks guard and only their clumsiness prevented them murdering dozens if not hundreds of soldiers and their dates. Not a youthful pecadillo. Anyone who thinks a guy like that is no big deal has no business sitting in the Oval Office.

Anonymous   ·  October 10, 2008 08:49 AM


He is not a peripheral issue, or irrelevant, however much folks like Dr. Nobel tell us "nobody wants to talk about it"

I believe I was quite clear: there are certainly people that want to talk about Ayers, and their reasons are self evident. McCain, Palin, and their supporters want people to talk about Ayers and nothing else, because if people are thinking about the economy, health care, foreign policy, or energy, McCain and Palin will lose the election.

I was merely pointing out that the electorate is apparently increasingly concerned with the issues that will actually affect their lives, their wallets, and their granchildren, than some manufactured outrage. That is bad news for Republicans.

Dr. Nobel Dynamite   ·  October 10, 2008 12:18 PM

Obama in his own words:

To avoid being mistaken for a sellout,I chose my friends carefully.The more politically active black students.The foreign students.The Chicanos.The Marxist Professors and the structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.We smoked cigarettes and wore leather jackets.At night,in the dorms,we discussed neocolonialism,Franz Fanon,Eurocentrism,and patriarchy.

So Obama the careful got involved with Ayers by accident? Sure. It is possible. What are the odds? After all they share a Marxist viewpoint.

M. Simon   ·  October 10, 2008 02:01 PM

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