Why did we wreck our economy?

One of my pet peeves involves ideologues who misuse the word "we" -- especially in a scolding manner which implies that "we" all oppress the poor, have abortions, engage in hedonism, hate God, etc. Whatever it is that that's the ideological complaint of the moment, "we" are said to all be guilty of it.

Predictably, the latest misuse of the "we" pronoun involves the economy. Richard Miniter tears into the idea that "we" did it in post titled "No, We didn't Cause This Wall Street Mess":

You must be as tired of hearing it as I am. Somehow, we are all at fault for Wall Street's meltdown. We demanded cheap loans for houses we couldn't afford and voted in corrupt dolts, who took from Fannie Mae and told us what we wanted to hear. Now, we are getting what we deserve.
Yes, and I imagine that if Obama is elected president, I'll have to listen to endless scoldings about how "we" are all guilty for living in a country shameful enough to elect him. (Never mind that I oppose him.)

Likewise, if McCain wins, I'll have to listen to the left complaining about how "we" are a very guilty and racist people for letting it happen. In neither case am I given credit for being an individual; I'm lumped into a group in which I don't belong, and my motives are impugned.

Miniter points out that "we" did not elect Barney Frank or Chris Dood:

Rep. Barney Frank was elected by a majority of the people of his district in Massachusetts. Senator Chris Dodd is brought to us by many but not all of the voters of Connecticut. And so on. Most of us never had the chance to vote for or against these solons. So why should we be blamed?

The regulatory changes that led us to this point were the work of lobbyists, bureaucrats and lawmakers including Dodd and Frank and corrupt executives, like Raines and Johnson. We know or can know their names.

The idea of blaming "all of us" is a way to avoid blaming those who did the deeds and reaped their ill-gotten gains.

Well, I guess I should be glad that at least they're not blaming the blogosphere.

The misuse of the "we" pronoun also helps the guilty parties escape blame:

What about cheap mortgages? Sure, some of us took them when they were offered. But who offered them and why? Yes, it is the Clinton-era changes to the Community Reinvestment Act that forced banks to lend more for "affordable housing." Law firms, including ones connected to Obama, sued banks that failed to meet their low-income quotas for mortgages. Bankers were not driven by greed, as everyone says, but by fear. Fear of the baying hounds of regulators and lawyers would call them racist and ruin their careers. But who unleashed the hounds on the bankers?
Many of them were the same people who are now releasing the "we" pronoun on everyone except themselves.

posted by Eric on 09.30.08 at 10:02 PM


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If everyone is to blame, then no one is to blame.

Rhodium Heart   ·  October 1, 2008 01:18 AM

"We" keep voting for socialist party A or socialist party B. That would be "our" fault right there.

Brett   ·  October 1, 2008 08:27 AM

Yeah, I'm with Brett. "We" might not get to vote for or against Barney Frank or Chris Dodd, but we did have the opportunity to vote for or against people who ended up siding with Frank and Dodd on CRA. Frank has one vote out of 435 and Dodd one out of 100. Some congresscritters aided and abetted them. "We", or enough of "we", if you will, voted for their enablers.

Also, "we", or enough of "we", took out ARMs knowing full well that the payments would go up to be unaffordable after a few years. Whose fault was that? Wall Street's? Frank's? Dodd'? Or the people who signed the mortgage?

Bah. Frank and Dodd are despicable people (not that they're alone in that), but nobody held a gun to anybody's head.

Tom   ·  October 1, 2008 12:09 PM

The rejoinder is "What you mean 'we,' white man?"

(Soon to be joined by other variants...)

ArtD0dger   ·  October 1, 2008 02:06 PM

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