What? No Ayers bailout plan?

Tony Blankley tears the MSM a new one for its blatantly biased reporting as well as the more shocking non-reporting. Especially about Ayers:

...worse than all the unfair and distorted reporting and image projecting are the shocking gaps in Obama's life that are not reported at all. The major media simply have not reported on Obama's two years at New York's Columbia University, where, among other things, he lived a mere quarter-mile from former terrorist Bill Ayers. Later, they both ended up as neighbors and associates in Chicago. Obama denies more than a passing relationship with Ayers. Should the media be curious? In only two weeks, the media have focused on all the colleges Gov. Palin has attended, her husband's driving habits 20 years ago, and the close criticism of the political opponents Gov. Palin had when she was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska.

But in two years, they haven't bothered to see how close Obama was with the terrorist Ayers.

There's a lot more, and Blankley concludes with an anaology to Wall Street:
The public will be voting based on the idealized image of the man who never was. If he wins, however, we will be governed by the sunken, cynical man Obama really is. One can only hope that the senior journalists will be judged as harshly for their professional misconduct as Wall Street's leaders currently are for their failings.
I wish that ordinary people (the millions of non-activist voters who only get to have their say every few years) would realize that they are being fed a steady diet of left-wing activism, by activist journalists, carefully calculated to persuade them to vote in their favorite left-wing activist to be Commander In Chief.

The non-reporting of the Ayers story epitomizes the dimensions of the problem, and I think the Wall Street analogy is not a bad one.

Because at this point, by keeping the lid on the Ayers story, the non-reporting reporters are doing more than simply protecting Obama (or even Ayers). They're engaged in their own damage control, and trying to prevent a major credibility freefall.

I don't think the economists will be able to help them much.

posted by Eric on 09.26.08 at 12:25 PM


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I am so ahamed that I wasted my vote on George Warmonger Bush. What was I thinking??? I voted for a high profile moron who is anything but conservative or faithful to the US Constitution. I can't believe that I'm wanting more of the same by voting for McCain. Why did I let my neoconservative, religious right wing extremist, evangelical, elitist, corporate socialistic views get in the way of exercising sound personal thought when I entered that voting booth??? I was brainwashed to believe the Republican ideology was that says the GOP is a party that is “of, for and by the people” and that we were moral and God’s political party. My daddie’s Bush & Cheney have single handedly wasted more money and human lives then all of the past Democrat Presidents put together. After the lies of Heir Bush and Gustapo Cheney that got us into Iraq, I cannot seem to get the blood of American soldiers and innocent Iraqi’s off of my hands. Since the voters in my GOP party will vote for any pathetic waste of skin who claims to be conservative, pro-life (whatever that is even supposed to mean), Christian (again questionable), and an NRA member who hates faggots and minorities, it has become obvious to me that the logic that drives our voting decisions is really messed up. As such, getting a good effective leader for the USA is like trying to tune a piano that is missing half of it’s keys. Oh God….What am I going to do???????

Partimer James   ·  September 26, 2008 01:46 PM

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