Obama Plans To Debate Himself

A senior guy in the Obama Campaign says Obama is going to show up at the debate Friday no matter what. John McCain says he will only show up if Congress does what it has to do to resolve the Mortgage Securities crisis. No doubt Obama needs the face time on TV to bolster his failing campaign, because if it wasn't failing he would have no need to show up.

Obama campaign senior strategist Robert Gibbs predicted this morning that John McCain will change his mind after all and show up tomorrow in Mississippi for the first scheduled presidential debate, rather than skip it to concentrate on the financial industry bailout. "I believe the debate's going to happen as scheduled," Gibbs told reporters at a breakfast meeting hosted by the Christian Science Monitor. "I actually think he's going to come to the debate," Gibbs said of McCain. "I think he will decide a president is capable of doing more than one thing at a time." In any event, Gibbs said, Barack Obama will be there.
If Obama shows up he is going to look like a fool debating himself. McCain is off in Washington trying to fix the Mortgage mess and Obama is on TV debating himself. Obama will be looking very Presidential. Very Presidential indeed.

Lets see how that would work in practice. Obama on the right says I have always said... and when it comes time for the Obama on the left to respond it will be that is not the Obama I once knew. I sure hope the TV guys provide a laugh track.

Did I mention that McCain has Obama pwn3d?

H/T Just One Minute commenters.

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 09.25.08 at 03:07 PM


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Most of what gets reported about McCain would have been fabricated any way.

I'm not sure it would make any difference.

Larry Sheldon   ·  September 25, 2008 03:44 PM

Let me put it this way; I cannot support anybody who puts his ego above his country.

Alan Kellogg   ·  September 25, 2008 04:21 PM

"I think he [McCain] will decide a president is capable of doing more than one thing at a time."

Apparently that leaves Obama out. Or he'd be doing both too.

But really, I'm glad Obama's not there. He'd probably be working in tandem with Reid slipping amendments in here and there when others are focused on more pressing issues.

Oyster   ·  September 25, 2008 04:47 PM

Debate won't happen. Appearances count.

Obama won't do what McCain asks and McCain can't appear to crawl back to Mississippi like Obama's dog on a leash.

McCain should ignore the Mississippi debate Friday and offer to appear next week either in Mississippi or at an alternate venue if Mississippi declines. And name a couple of alternates - have them ready.

All this stuff about site preparation is BS. A new site could be chosen in an hour and a TV feed set up for nothing.

There are a thousand colleges with those facilities. Many TV stations have similar sets. Or use a theatre.

But no! In America we have to attach pomp and circumstance and spend millions redecorating a town and campus before putting two candidates in front of a TV camera. The pretense is disgusting.

One reason for the hoopla - besides the American inability to solve problems simply- is the media. They send a thousand people to the debate city. And collectively they contribute nothing because the televised debate does the work.

The media then files useless stories about the mood and tells us why we didn't see and hear what we thought we saw and heard.

K   ·  September 25, 2008 04:54 PM

Since I expect McCain to benefit from an Obama sans teleprompter, I have to take McCain's desire to cancel the debate as a patriotic determination to put the country ahead of himself--he is willing to harm his campaign to help the country.

I don't think Obama wants to have the debate out of desperation since he's had a better week than McCain. More likely, I think he wants to have it because he knows it won't happen and he's confidant the media will spin the cancellation his way.

tim maguire   ·  September 25, 2008 05:21 PM

Obama debates himself?
The empty suit debates an empty podium.
Could be a toss-up.

Ozwitch   ·  September 25, 2008 06:07 PM

O!: Master Debator

dre   ·  September 25, 2008 06:35 PM

I know this is trite, but has to be done :P

Obligatory Monty Python Tie-in: Colin "Bomber" Harris

guy   ·  September 25, 2008 08:30 PM

We are drawing our conclusions as sensible people. That may have little to do with many voters. I think the Obama campaign is fully capable of spinning anything pretty cleverly, as they are not restrained by shame.

Assistant Village Idiot   ·  September 25, 2008 11:12 PM

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