An issue that should not be forgotten

Regular readers know that I am a Life Member of the NRA and a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

I've said that I could never vote for Barack Obama because of his socialistic background. (The ACORN connection especially worries me.) But aside from being one of the most socialistic politicians in America, Barack Obama is also one of the most vehemently anti-gun politicians, and for that reason alone, I could also never consider voting for him -- even if I believed his malarkey about how he supports the free market system.

Like his running mate Joe Biden, Barack Obama is rated "F" by the NRA for numerous reasons, and that last link spells many of them out.

In short, Obama-Biden constitute the most anti-gun ticket in United States history.

Little wonder the NRA is running this ad:

obama nra.jpg

I'm glad they're running it. This is a major issue that neither the complex economic debate -- nor the relentless promotion of the "Vote for Obama or else you're a racist!" meme -- should be allowed to obscure.

M. Simon sent me a link to some great NRA videos here.

In this one, a veteran who fought for his country says he will never vote for a man who wants to take away his right to own a handgun:

And here's one revealing Joe Biden's appalling record :

How anyone who owns a gun (or who believes in the right to keep and bear arms) could even consider voting for the Democratic ticket is beyond me.

posted by Eric on 09.23.08 at 11:54 AM


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BTW, FactCheck went hog wild on this mailer and Jim Geraghty effectively rebuts them.

Yet even then, in both links I provide, there was still no mention of Obama's great idea with the "5 mile radius" law or the fact the he openly said he supported the DC gun ban then supported the Supreme's finding in DC vs Heller; two irreconcilable positions. Not to mention that FactCheck consistently uses what Obama "says" as opposed to what Obama "does" for their "fact checking".

Am I the only one that thinks FactCheck has really changed during this election?

Oyster   ·  September 23, 2008 01:57 PM

Slightly off topic, but the mention of "Slow" Joe Biden forces me to mention it. This is a quote which appears about 2 minutes into this CBS News interview of the Slow one by Katie Couric:

“When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the princes of greed. He said, ‘look, here’s what happened’.”

... Stunningly stupid. Simply beyond words stupid. And, of course, Couric doesn't bat an eyelash at this display of ignorance.

Here is the link:


boqueronman   ·  September 23, 2008 03:11 PM

John McCain's record on guns isn't great (I'm told GOA gave him an F- record, but that's GOA for you).

But he's sure as hell better than Obama on them, and unfortunately there's no third choice that can actually win.

(And the available third choices who can't win, well... I'm sure whoever's running Green is just as bad as Obama, and the LP's gone completely crazy.)

Boqueronman: You're right, that is stunning. Though I'm not sure it's not stunning historical confusion rather than plain stupidity.

(I'd give him a pass on "television" vs. "radio" as mere misspeaking, but the idea that FDR was President when the stock market crashed in '29 is the real problem...)

Sigivald   ·  September 23, 2008 03:40 PM

"" [sic] has been wrong a lot this election.

The Obama quote that freaks me out is "I won't take your guns away. I don't have the votes in Congress." Not because it's unConstitutional--ffft, who cares?--but because people who believe in keeping people unarmed and dependent on the state for "protection" haven't reached critical mass in the House and Senate. Yet.

Heather   ·  September 23, 2008 03:49 PM

I'm with Heather. That quote is very, very scary. Moreso, because it's probably one of the few times he's been completely truthful.

The 2nd Amendment is the canary in the coal mine for me.

Donna B.   ·  September 23, 2008 09:44 PM

I think he just lost the Pink Pistols and a good number of gun owning Dems.

Way to go dude, metaphorically shooting yourself in the foot.

I tell ya, the guy is destroying his campaign every time he opens his mouth.

Blademonkey   ·  September 24, 2008 01:30 AM

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