Unforced Errors

I like the McCain Campaign so far.

Jab. Jab. Jab. Obama throws a round house. McCain then lands a solid punch.

McCain is peeling off the Obama voters. A half percent every day. That will put Obama 15 points down by 1 Sept. I think with the dynamics of this campaign too much fear in one dose will not work.

The unforced errors are starting to make Obama look like an amateur. Which he is.

In other words McCain is making Obama self destruct.

And just wait for the Dem Convention. A significant number of Dems HATE Obama. Where as the Rs respect McCain and just hate his policies. Lots of opportunities there which McCain capitalized on with his reminder of Obama's race baiting Clinton.

I think people will look back on Friday, 1 August and say that it was the turning point.

Inspired by a column by Dick Morris.

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 08.02.08 at 03:55 AM


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If McCain had any political sense his ads would be against the democratic party in toto, from white house to dogcatcher. At the end of each spot he should a "just say no to democrats from the white house to town council"
"They are the problem and not the solution"

The tax matter could be explained easily enough. Just point to a jobs section in the paper and ask the audience if they see any poor people hiring? Ask them if they work for a small company (most Americans do) would raising their bosses taxes and making them poorer be helpful for them getting or keeping their jobs? Just say no to democrats.

Oil and gas? Simply state that if it wasn't for democrats blocking drilling at home and building new refineries for more the last ten years we would not be in this position today. And if we don't start now we will still be in this jam ten years from now. Just say no to all democrats at every level.

On every issue he could go like this. banking crises, democrat policies and lack of oversight by the democrat congress is responsible for the mess.

If mcCain wants to win and not have a failed presidency if he wins he better get moving now.

cubanbob   ·  August 3, 2008 05:34 AM

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