Trutherism is becoming a contagious disease

This web site is a perfect example of why people don't want to go into politics. Such sliminess is unbelievable. But it's all in a day's work for the likes of Daily Kos, Andrew Sullivan, and other gullible bloggers I once respected who ought to know better.

I hope this poor girl gives a tearful press conference and reveals to the nation that she was never pregnant with her brother.


MORE: Ann Althouse shares her thoughts in a post titled "Stop prying into other people's vaginas, even if you happen to oppose them politically. What is wrong with you people?"

"Think before you write" is her advice to Andrew Sullivan, and I hope he takes it to heart.

And there's this:

Pictures are posted, with captions like: "Sarah's waistline never changed. Her wardrobe still remained tight and professional." Note the gratuitous insult to pregnant working women. They can't possibly dress in a professional manner. There are also enlarged photos of the 16-year-old daughter with comments about the shape of her abdomen. The whole world is invited to talk about that teenager's body.

Despicable, sexist trash. Shameful.

I couldn't agree more.

This is a horrible thing to do to a young person who never harmed any of her attackers. They ought to be ashamed of themselves, but they're probably delighted.

posted by Eric on 08.31.08 at 11:46 PM


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I'd like to see her daddy on TV with a pump jacking a round into the chamber.

The song I just posted is so appropriate.

Or maybe a taste of cold steel is in order.

M. Simon   ·  September 1, 2008 12:11 AM


I got my vaccine, Simon. Hope you and eric go for yours SOON!

You know if this gets really wild and out of control, the government will have to step in these here internets to declare it a first amendment disaster area.

It will REALLY piss me off when Kos and that Sullivan guy get their relief checks though. I can only imagine how you and eric will feel. So close, yet a needle prick away.

Penny   ·  September 1, 2008 12:33 AM

Penny, the First Amendment allows anyone to offer his or her opinion -- including rumors -- no matter how heinous. My objection is to the way rumors are so readily confused with facts. The First Amendment is a two way street.

Eric Scheie   ·  September 1, 2008 12:49 AM

Doesn't anyone believe they require evidence before making accusations?

Brett   ·  September 1, 2008 09:54 AM

Why does anyone care enough about promoting Mr. Sullivan to cite his words as if they were important?

Correct me if I'm wrong , but havn't his words repeatedly been weighed, been measured, and been found wanting?

Let his ilk fall into the quiet desperation of obscurity, they've been suffered FAR more than a reasonable 15 minutes.

CaptDMO   ·  September 1, 2008 10:18 PM

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