Secretary Of State Rice To Vacation In Tblisi

That is a take off on the "joke" going around that the Russian troops are "touring" the beautiful Georgian countryside. This has to be another complication for the Russians. This whole Georgian episode is spinning out of control for them. It has got to be bad for business. And if there is anything the gangsters in charge of Russia hate it is bad business.

A U.S. military cargo plane is heading to Georgia with relief supplies and Bush said he directed Defense Secretary Robert Gates to organize a humanitarian aid effort. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will travel to Georgia to confer with President Mikheil Saakashvili.

``Russia's ongoing actions raise serious questions about its intentions in Georgia and the region,'' Bush said today at the White House in Washington. He said he was concerned about reports that Russian forces continue to move through Georgia in spite of an agreement on a cease-fire.

``The United States and the world expect Russia to honor that commitment'' to halt military operations, Bush said. He held out the threat that the U.S. would withdraw its support for Russia's ``aspirations'' in diplomatic, economic and security organizations.

I wonder when the mopes in the Kremlin (oops Russia) will throw in the towel. The Russian people admire strength. What will happen when they figure out that the vaunted Russian strength is mostly bluff? Sales of vodka are going to spike. The hangover is going to be a bitch. Hair of the dog is not going to cut it. They are going to have to eat the whole dog.

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 08.13.08 at 01:12 PM


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Not a whole lot of Russian withdrawal right now. Could it be that Putin actually does not listen to Obama? No, tell me it is not so! Oh well, perhaps the Russians will enjoy their tour of Georgia afterall...

Orlin   ·  August 13, 2008 02:22 PM

A great power has to move cautiously. Bush as the leader of the US could not react with bellicosity because he needed intelligence while in China. Considering China’s success in infiltrating signals and how they steal all information from cell phones and laptops with sophisticated systems, he was not given intelligence other than what China already knew. It was not until he in the air that he could be totally briefed and so he did the first statement indicating that US patience was ending and Russia better stop its foolish antics. I read his first statement that the situation world not be tolerated. Plus Cheney had already gamed the scenarios and said that Russia’s little war would not be allowed.

A great power must be careful not to challenge an almost great power too directly. An overt direct military challenge is not a good first play. We did send a message by flying in a C17 during the invasion and delivering troops and cargo that was diverted from Iraq.
Probably the trainers and the 1000 US troops in Georgia was advising what the situation was and what was needed. Plus photos it looked like they landed in a field. That was the first challenge that we were returning Georgian personnel and we did not care that we were flying into a combat zone and that it was not a good idea to target the cargo plane.

The Russians blinked, that showed the US that they were not going to challenge us directly with attacks. US message given and received.

BY using the humanitarian excuse that also allowed Turkey the excuse that they were not allowing in a competitive navy to the Russians but only a humanitarian mission. The US uses the navy and military all the time on humanitarian missions.

This allows Russian to withdraw voluntarily and it orders to save their pride and face we will allow them a diplomatic venue on the separatist enclaves. But this time no Russian peacekeepers will be allowed.

After a while Ukraine and Georgia will be fast tracked into NATO and the Russian will have lost exclusive control of the Black Sea.

It took centuries for Russia to get a warm water port and now they lose the playground. But I am sure that American will not try to get naval basing rights in the Black Sea, as that is an obvious insult to Russian pride.

There is an old saying always allow an enemy with a way to retreat with pride unless you want to humiliate them which usually causes future wars.

RAH   ·  August 13, 2008 07:19 PM

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