Juhah Benjamin On Obama's Birth Certificate

Judah Benjamin has some thoughts on the Obama birth certificate controversy.

Remember that this is a unique situation in the History of the USA and only the Republicans have any relevant experience in this area. Until he is the Candidate the only place in which an objection could be lodged would be Illinois. Subsequent to his candidacy any State is open.

It is not for me to verify facts about Senator Obama; it seems to have been made either difficult or impossible for me to do so. It is up to Senator Obama to verify the facts. He has not done so, he has not tried to do so, all that he has done is to create more doubt. And if you are supporting him you should demand that he does and not insult those who actually ask for answers to which every single citizen in the USA is entitled.

This reminds me of the Form 180 controversy surrounding John Kerry. Obama like Kerry could put this question to rest by releasing the relevant documents. Obama has not done so. What has he got to hide?

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 08.07.08 at 02:13 AM


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Obama SUPPORTS The US Paying a "Global Tax"
Obama OPPOSES Traditional Marriage
Obama SUPPORTS Partial-Birth Abortion
Obama OPPOSES Domestic Oil Production (or did he just flip to McCain's position on that?)
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It's ALL true...research it...or see for yourself at DiscoverObama DOT com


Lisa Nolin   ·  August 7, 2008 03:18 AM

Kerry signed his Form 180? When?

The last I read, he released a few selected records to a few reporters, who then declared him cleared of all questions without actually presenting any evidence from the records.

If he has signed a Form 180, (which he has not) where are his records in the public domain? Wikipedia? I think not....

Mikee   ·  August 7, 2008 01:38 PM

CORRECTION: Kerry did indeed sign a Form 180, all 3 pages of which are reproduced here: http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/010795.php

However, as I recalled above, he did only release some of his records (apparently not his full records) to a few selected reporters, and their minimalist reporting on the documents left standing most questions and reports about Kerry's allegedly dishonorable actions.

Anonymous   ·  August 7, 2008 01:47 PM

Obama's mother's original Social Security Number Application


Robert Lewis   ·  August 7, 2008 08:17 PM

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