"Going for the jugular" (And reaching for the checkbook....)

Via an article in the Examiner ("Wine-and-Cheese Thuggery") I learned that a new group of left-wing activists is playing the hardest sort of political hardball with people who give money to conservative (and presumably libertarian) organizations they don't like:

WASHINGTON (Map, News) - Tom Matzzie is mailing threatening letters this week to nearly 10,000 people with whom the liberal political operative vigorously disagrees.

If the recipients act in a way he disapproves of -- namely, donating to certain conservative or Republican causes -- Matzzie and his new nonprofit group, called Accountable America, will unleash what The New York Times describes as "a variety of potential dangers, including legal trouble, public exposure and watchdog groups digging through their lives."

Matzzie claims he's simply seeking to prevent dishonest attacks on politicians and causes he favors, but the reality is that such letters are nothing less than political thuggery.

The idea is to preempt what they call "swiftboating" by frightening away contributors. The New York Times has more:
Led by Tom Matzzie, a liberal political operative who has been involved with some prominent left-wing efforts in recent years, the newly formed nonprofit group, Accountable America, is planning to confront donors to conservative groups, hoping to create a chilling effect that will dry up contributions.

"We want to stop the Swift Boating before it gets off the ground," said Mr. Matzzie, who described his effort as "going for the jugular."

The warning letter is intended as a first step, alerting donors who might be considering giving to right-wing groups to a variety of potential dangers, including legal trouble, public exposure and watchdog groups digging through their lives.

I'm not exactly a political activist, much less a conservative "swiftboat activist." But these cowardly, underhanded tactics stink. I think the idea is to frighten all but the most hardened political activists away from the political process. Whether it will work, who knows? It might create a backlash among people who don't like being told what to do.

Frankly, I'm about an inch away from a backlash myself.

Let's see....

Is there any way I can just make my check out to "The Vast Right Wing Swiftboaters"?

posted by Eric on 08.11.08 at 12:48 PM


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I do have a question for you as to what you think about the AB 2567 bill that is pending approval in California. Read it at http://gaylesbianlifestyle.today.com.

Blondie Writes   ·  August 11, 2008 01:02 PM

Well, it's off topic, but you did ask, so...

I think it's absolute nonsense to require anyone to celebrate anything. Special holidays are becoming an activist mantra. It started with MLK Day, and then Cesar Chavez Day, and now Harvey Milk Day.

Where does it end? Employers shouldn't have to pay for this nonsense.

Eric Scheie   ·  August 11, 2008 01:08 PM

How can an organization get a non-profit status when their stated purpose can be interpreted in no other way than the chilling of political speech?

Donna B.   ·  August 11, 2008 01:54 PM

Accountable America is in violation of the Ku Klux Klan Act which criminalizes this type of political intimidation. The party of the klan hasn't evolved that much.

Reid of America   ·  August 11, 2008 02:23 PM

Swift boat me Accountable America

Orlin   ·  August 11, 2008 02:58 PM

But it is a day that will not alow time off of work. It is a day that will be used to educate kids. The idea is to stop dicrimination and hate against people who are gay.

Blondie Writes   ·  August 11, 2008 03:26 PM

YouTube has made Accountable America irrelevant.

Look up "Leave Barack Alone" on YouTube for a really good example.

M. Simon   ·  August 11, 2008 03:31 PM

These liberal groupies (socialists) will not be happy until we are all destitute dependents of the government.

Hugh   ·  August 11, 2008 04:01 PM

These liberal groupies (socialists) will not be happy until we are all destitute dependents of the government.

Hugh   ·  August 11, 2008 04:01 PM


How about we leave the indoctrination up to the parents? Forced changes breed resistance. Better to let the culture evolve. Things are moving in the right direction. Why create a backlash?

M. Simon   ·  August 11, 2008 07:33 PM

"It might create a backlash among people who don't like being told what to do."

My backlash came a couple of years ago when my homosexual friend told me why he did not want to be called gay; he told me was over the rainbow and wanted his life back and didn't like the agenda which he found to use emotional blackmail as a means to extort special rights.

He was the first to enlighten me to dreadful identity policitics which seeks to crush individualism: I love him dearly for opening my eyes.

Bring it on Tom Matzzie.

syn   ·  August 12, 2008 09:01 AM

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