Special Code Pink encore presentation

When I saw the video of the Fourth of July disruption of Bush's speech which Drudge linked, something about the appearance and the voice of the howling Code Pink bashee seemed familiar.

Here she is:


(Notice the young man in the front row is laughing.)

And here's the video:

Sure enough, she was Desiree Farooz, the career demonstrator who waved bloody hands at Condoleezza Rice, and whose disruption at a Heritage foundation meeting entertained me enough that I featured it in this post.

Hell, I'll feature it again. It's a classic.


(Um, and what about her medication?)


Is this woman contemplating a career as a comedian?

There is a fine line between anger and outright buffoonery, and Desiree has clearly crossed it.

posted by Eric on 07.06.08 at 09:04 AM


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The saddest thing for me is that these deranged people did not insult President Bush, they insulted a bunch of new citizens. This was their day, not Bush's and not Code Pink's. These sad pathetic hysterical idiots can't conceive that there are times and places to leave politics at the door. They have the reasoning powers and discipline of a spoiled three year old.

My contempt for them is only matched by the contempt they displayed towards their fellow citizens.

Steve Skubinna   ·  July 7, 2008 12:58 PM

What Don Sutherland in "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" doesn't come to mind"

narciso   ·  July 7, 2008 11:43 PM

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