I'm sure this won't be my first disappointment....

I am sorry to see that John McCain has denied roughing up the Sandinistas:

CARTAGENA, Colombia (AP) - John McCain denied a Republican colleague's claim that he roughed up an associate of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega on a diplomatic mission in 1987, saying the allegation was "simply not true."

Sen. Thad Cochran, R-Miss., told a Mississippi newspaper that he saw McCain, during a trip to Nicaragua led by former Sen. Bob Dole, R-Kan., grab an Ortega associate by his shirt collar and lift him out of his chair.

The Republican presidential contender, who is known for his hot temper, was questioned about the alleged incident at a news conference Wednesday here. He noted that at the time, he had been asked to co-chair a Central American working group in the Senate with Democrat Chris Dodd, D-Conn., and had made several trips to the region in that role.

"I had many, many meetings with the Sandinistas," McCain said. "I must say, I did not admire the Sandinistas much. But there was never anything of that nature. It just didn't happen."

Frankly, I'm a bit disappointed. I'd love to see a video of McCain grabbing an Ortega associate by his shirt collar and lifting him out of his chair.

(Besides, the campaign could always issue a statement explaining that it was actually the Sandinista who was hot under the collar, and McCain was only trying to cool him off....)

From a tactical standpoint, what's with this Thad Cochran, anyway? Is he trying to deny McCain the Communist vote? I realize the American Communists have already endorsed Obama, but they're very schismatic people, and in a close election every little splinter helps.

Oh, well. Considering that the Sandinista chief Daniel Ortega has also endorsed Obama, none of this should be surprise anyone.

UPDATE: My thanks to Glenn Reynolds for the link and for quoting from this post!

Your comments welcome.

(But please bear in mind that while I am a McCain supporter, none of this is intended as serious campaign advice....)

posted by Eric on 07.03.08 at 09:28 AM


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However satisfying it may be to think McCain did it, however much the Sandinista deserved it, it's not a really a good idea for a member of one government to physically assault a member of another government. For one thing, it can't help but make still other governmental figures (not just the deserving, but the non-deserving as well) adjust their behavior to deal with the mad man.

In olden times, when a king defeated another king, he generally did not kill that king as the killing of kings is not something any king should encourage.

tim maguire   ·  July 3, 2008 05:13 PM

"McCain grabbing an Ortega associate by his shirt collar and lifting him out of his chair."

I'd like to see it too, but I thought McCain was partially crippled such that he can't raise his arms very high.

Bruce Rheinstein   ·  July 5, 2008 10:54 PM

It's really not appropriate to deal with representatives from other countries that way.

Particularly, if one is representing the U.S., it's really not necessary to use personal physical force: It's the power of the country that should be the point, not the physical strength of the individual confronting them.

Neal J. King   ·  July 5, 2008 11:20 PM

I'm with Bruce. I thought the North Vietnamese did enough to McCain to hurt his ability to do that. But maybe it was McCain standing above the man and grabbing down to his collar. But that too is denied by McCain. Oh, well. He blew his chance at his John Wayne moment.

Sean Hackbarth   ·  July 5, 2008 11:42 PM

I wonder why one day we hear about McCain not being able to lift his arms up due to torture in Hanoi, and then we hear him "roughing up" Sandanistia? What to believe?? Personally, I think McCain probably "grinned" the guy into submission & didn't lay a hand on him!

coldoc   ·  July 5, 2008 11:45 PM

"Senator McCain, is it true you roughed up a Sandanista official?"

"And I kicked him in the groin. Shut up or I might do you, too."

"Senator, are you prepared to meet with the leaders of Iran?"

"Yes, I look forward to that." (Evil grin).

David Hardy   ·  July 6, 2008 12:31 AM

Darn, there goes the Frank J endorsement!

Kirk Parker   ·  July 6, 2008 01:03 AM

Maybe Senator McCain has roughed up so many Communists that he has forgotten this one incident.

John Davies   ·  July 6, 2008 01:53 AM

For once, we could use a hothead as President, someone who knows the value of a well-aimed Cruise missile and the damage it can do to a uranium enrichment facility. But this annecdote is obviously hot air. McCain's wartime infirmities would make it very difficult to lift a fat, ugly Sandinista out of his chair.

Dandaman   ·  July 6, 2008 09:08 AM

Funny . . . I thought one reason we were supposed to want McCain over Obama was superior foreign policy experience. If the guy is so off his rocker that he could not keep from assaulting a foreign diplomat in a meeting, it does not bode well for his abilities as president.

But what is more interesting is the "bully boy" cheering from you people here. You really think that is the way to win friends and influence people? Insane . . . .

BRob   ·  July 6, 2008 10:05 AM


I guess "you people here" could give a s**t about friendship with communist Sandinista thugs. That's why we backed the Contras.

And as for influencing people like the Sandinistas, the best policy, as put forth in the recent "Ironman" movie, is Peace Through Superior Firepower.

Jack Okie   ·  July 6, 2008 11:36 AM

Given the physical limitations McCain suffers as a result of his time as a POW, is it even possible for him to lift a man out of a chair?

mwl   ·  July 6, 2008 01:08 PM

There are some--myself included--that would like to see a President tower over someone like one of the Sandinistas, reach his hand out in a clenching motion, and intone darkly "I find your lack of faith in the United States... disturbing."

William Woody   ·  July 6, 2008 01:34 PM

Bring back pistols at dawn, that's what I say.. You'd probably save a lot more lives if we elected a crack shot and he got to duel totalitarians in Dag Hammarskjold Plaza...

btw, http://www.contracafe.com ftw..

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater   ·  July 6, 2008 01:45 PM

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