The experts are warning! The experts are warning!

Well, they are. Because, they warn, the poles are melting! Only this time, they're serious. Even if it seems "unthinkable":

It seems unthinkable, but for the first time in human history, ice is on course to disappear entirely from the North Pole this year.

The disappearance of the Arctic sea ice, making it possible to reach the Pole sailing in a boat through open water, would be one of the most dramatic - and worrying - examples of the impact of global warming on the planet. Scientists say the ice at 90 degrees north may well have melted away by the summer.

See? It may well have! Which means it may as well have, even if it doesn't.

Actually, this is nothing new. Back in August of 2000 the experts were claiming the pole had melted, but apparently not enough people were paying attention to the unthinkable (at least not in Florida where they failed to push their chads all the way through for Gore).

Another scientist on the cruise, palaeontologist Dr Malcolm C McKenna, said the ship was able to sail all the way to the North Pole through only a thin crust of ice, and arrived on the spot to discover no ice at all.

"I don't know if anybody in history ever got to 90 degrees north to be greeted by water, not ice," Dr McKenna was quoted as saying.

"Some folks who pooh-pooh global warming might wake up if shown that even the pole is beginning to melt at least sometimes."

I might wake up if they could get the story straight about how many times the "unthinkable" might as well have already happened.

Actually, the experts started their latest round of unthinkable warnings last year when large amounts of ice descended on the North Pole. The problem, they claimed, was that it was not the right kind of ice:

Last year as arctic sea ice melted to record levels, panic set in for many. But then, as the sea ice rebounded and froze again quickly in the 2007/2008 winter, making up for that record loss and reaching heights not seen for several years, many exclaimed that even though the ice areal extent had recovered, this new ice was "thin" and would likely melt again quickly. There were also many news stories about how the Northwest Passage was ice free for the first time "ever". For example, Backpacker Magazine ran a story saying "The ice is so low that the photos clearly show a viable northwest passage sea route along the coasts of Greenland, Canada, and Alaska." (Icecap Note: See Dr. Gary Sharp's view on that here)
People who want to see the ice before it disappears completely have been booking special tours on icebreakers. Problem is, they get trapped in the ice that isn't there:
Cashing in on the panic that has set in with the help of some climate alarmists, tour operators like Quark Expeditions of Norwalk Connecticut are offering polar expeditions catering to that "see it before it's gone" travel worry. One of them is in fact a trip though the Northwest Passage on a former Soviet Icebreaker called the Kapitan Khlebnikov which is a massive 24,000 horsepower Polar Class icebreaker capable of carrying 108 passengers in relative luxury through the arctic wilderness.

Walt from Canada, pointed out this story in the Globe and Mail on may 24th in the travel section. It seems the irony of a polar expedition to see such things as record sea ice loss being stopped cold by the very ice that doesn't exist was not lost on the editors.

You can read an alarming account of how it feels to be trapped in ice that doesn't exist here:
....What irony. I am a passenger on one of the most powerful icebreakers in the world, travelling through the Northwest Passage - which is supposed to become almost ice-free in a time of global warming, the next shipping route across the top of the world - and here we are, stuck in the ice, engines shut down, bridge deserted. Only time and tide can free us.
What a cruel fate.

Well, at least they were warned.

MORE: American Thinker's Thomas Lifson has even more alarming news -- that the "Arctic ice melt may be due to undersea volcanoes." Moreover, the volcanoes have been erupting since 1999 -- when the melting it not possible that these volcanic eruptions - going back to at least 1999 - may have played a part in whatever melting there has been of the Greenland and Arctic ice sheets? Absolutely not! Nor is it possible that the volcanoes release vast amounts of CO2.

More here:

Yes, neither this volcanic activity under the North Pole, nor the huge star in the middle of our solar system could possibly cause temperature changes on the earth.
It's the oil company executives, dammit!

posted by Eric on 06.27.08 at 09:42 AM


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So it has never been free of ice? Wonder why the Vikings named that big island Greenland and had a thriving settlement there growing crops and raising cattle and what not.

LYNNDH   ·  June 27, 2008 11:58 AM

And who wants to bet money when the ice does not go away and actually gets worse that not a mention of it will be in any MSM news source or anywhere else?

Oldcrow   ·  June 27, 2008 12:18 PM

How dare you ! For shame ! Whom are you to question, nay, doubt the "Great Global Warming Concensus" abomination. C'mon, 1st rule of sensationalist "journalism", never ever let the facts get in the way of a good story. It's the Inky's prime directive. Pertinent questions regarding these hysterics are ignored. How vast was the ice in 200 AD ? How big was the hole in the ozone in 500 AD ? How high was the sea level during the last interglacial period ?

Edward Lunny   ·  June 27, 2008 01:09 PM

Well said, Edward. First time in human history indeed! For all of human history we've been tracking the northern ice cap?

I doubt it.

tim maguire   ·  June 27, 2008 02:59 PM

Can someone explain why FL is not underwater?

boneysdad   ·  June 27, 2008 10:13 PM

Yeah. This sort of thing was supposed to flood the coastal areas. Wait! Does this explain (somehow) the flooding in the Midwest?

Ellen M   ·  June 29, 2008 08:34 PM

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