Actually, guns are a feminist issue
(which is why "feminists" oppose guns)

I very much enjoyed "Guns Are a Feminist Issue" (which Glenn Reynolds linked earlier). Megan McArdle observes that guns level the playing field between men and women, and wonders why more feminists don't push for gun ownership:

...guns are the only weapon that equalizes strength between attacker and attacked. It's the only time when men's greater speed, strength, and longer reach make no difference; if you pull the trigger first, you win.

This is an enormous social advance. I am all for strengthening the social contract (and law enforcement) so that fewer men commit rape, assault, or robbery. But until human nature has improved so radically that grievous bodily harm has passed from living memory, I don't understand why more feminists don't push for widespread gun ownership.

She's absolutely right, and I thought I'd make a stab at answering that last question.

I think the problem is that most feminists really aren't feminists. Not in the sense of believing that women should be equal and independent. Guns are the ultimate tool for enabling true independence, in the form of self-sufficiency. "Feminists" (in quotes because I don't think they are that) overwhelmingly believe in having the government take care of everyone, which of course is socialism -- the opposite of independence. I've long believed that feminism boils down to replacing male supremacy with government supremacy. Instead of women being equal, the role once occupied with the male husband/father as provider is replaced with the state as provider. You have a problem? Don't ask a man for help, ask the government. But do it yourself? No way. That threatens to erode the whole "feminist" concept that women are in need of outside help.

MORE: Not only are most conventional "feminists" opposed to guns, so are conventional gay activists. From Gay Patriot:

With these ruling, gay people will have greater and more ready access to handguns and so be better able to defend ourselves against gay-bashers. With such a victory for gay rights, I thought I'd check the sites of the various gay organizations to see how they're celebrating, acknowledging how the constitutional freedom enshrined in the Second Amendment benefits us. Nothing on the websites of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) or the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR).

Silence on such an important victory for gay rights?!?!?

(Via Glenn Reynolds.)

Like feminists, gay activists tend to be socialists who oppose self-sufficiency while claiming to be for it.

There are exceptions, of course, and Gay Patriot cites Tammy Bruce, Log Cabin, and Volokh's Dale Carpenter.

By and large, though, the mainstream gay activist reaction is extremely anti-gun. Sometimes rabidly so.

posted by Eric on 06.27.08 at 10:38 AM


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The people in Rwanda and Srebrenica were spared the awful horror of legal gun ownership. I'm sure the people in Zimbabwe are also happy that the government stands ready to protect them. Imagine how these would (have) play(ed) out with an armed population.

Daran   ·  June 27, 2008 12:12 PM

I don't disagree with you, it seems to me that many "feminists" advocate a stifling statist model for society. But I suppose that would be equality in one way, as one serf is pretty much the same as another.

Steve Skubinna   ·  June 27, 2008 12:15 PM

I see the same thing but frame it differently. Feminists don't so much look to the government to care for everyone as to make everyone behave better. They tend to believe in the perfectability of human beings if the environment is right, and bend their effort to government mandates of things that would improve us. The reasoning is something like Yes women can equalize physical disadvantage with a gun; but if we had a society without guns then we would all learn to be better people. It is the continuing idea that it is the environment - in this case, the presence of firearms - that makes us what we are. The marxist view of history is not far beneath the surface: sacrifice anything to bring about the New Humanity.

I am certainly not the first to note this; Thomas Sowell treats it in depth in his A Conflict of Visions. I want to be Thomas Sowell when I grow up.

In an interesting reversal, this control-the-environment belief is the opposite of their view on sexual orientation, which they insist is innate.

Assistant Village Idiot   ·  June 27, 2008 01:55 PM

BTW, women who work with sex offenders and their victims tend to be much more pro-gun and consider it very much a feminist issue.

Assistant Village Idiot   ·  June 27, 2008 01:59 PM

I think many feminists, like many socialists, have trouble accepting 'inequality in outcome'. They seem unable to graps that - more or less - equal opportunity will still result in vastly different end positions. To them, if someone is ahead or behind, it must be due to some injustice and therefore corrected by the government.

Daran   ·  June 27, 2008 01:59 PM

whatever that article said, i think guns are very dangerous tool.

torasham   ·  June 28, 2008 01:34 PM

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