The Girls From Brazil Have A Question

You can find out more about this at Set America Free.Org. If you want to learn more about why the auto companies should be making Flex Fuel Vehicles you can listen to this or visit Energy Victory. If you want to find out how cheap fusion energy can help (now in the early research stages of a revolution in fusion reactor design) visit Easy Low Cost No Radiation Fusion. If you would like to get your town or city involved in fusion research with small capital outlays visit Starting A Fusion Program In Your Home Town. You can read an Analog article published in January about this fusion reactor development at The World's Simplest Fusion Reactor Revisited. Let me give you the short version on fusion: cheap fusion energy would lower the cost of distillation of fermented sugar cane from equatorial countries like Brazil.

To contact your government about Brazil and/or fusion try one or all of these:

House of Representatives
The Senate
The President

HT Instapundit

posted by Simon on 05.15.08 at 12:15 PM


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Cheap fusion is the path to get away from chemically powered vehicles... if you want to see a jump in superconductor interest for energy storage, then cheap fusion gets you there. Basically, fusion is the death knell for 'bio fuels': if it is cheap enough to waste on distilling, it is cheap enough to waste driving around directly.

More efficient, too.

ajacksonian   ·  May 15, 2008 08:19 PM

Being the essentially very lazy person I am, I haven't looked at fusion in ages (the last I knwo of it, people were tinkering about with magnetic bottles to try and contain the mini sun you're creating with fusion - and cold fusion wasn't even on the horizon, so, you know, I'm practically fossilised); however, I seem to remember that the fusion process can carry on through helium to carbon to whatever until it hits Fe, and then it stops.

So, is that right? I keep running Mr Fusion until every damned bit of fuel turns into iron? Too bad it doesn't stop at Au :)

Considering hydrogen is quite possibly the most abundant element in the universe, fusion would put an end to just about *every* other energy source. Except possibly ZPE and tapping into black holes.

Gregory   ·  May 15, 2008 11:23 PM


We don't have any idea how to make fusion reactors fit in a car at this point. We are stuck with liquid fuels for transport for quite some time.


In theory we could go all the way to Fe. We have no idea how to do that economically at this time.

Early reactors would probably burn Deuterium or a Hydrogen - Boron 11 mixture. We have some idea how to do that. Although the technical problems are daunting.

M. Simon   ·  May 16, 2008 04:27 PM

This is the email I sent to my congressman, and senators:

Dear Mr. Cardin, Ms. Mikulski & Mr. Cardin,
I have several question that I would like an honest answer to. I realize that you are not facing reelection for 4 more years and thus don't really care about what your consituents think upon matters.

However, why do we have a $0.54 per gallon tarrif on Brazilian Ethanol, while supporting huge subsidies upon Ethanol made from food sources? Why do we have NO tarrifs upon Saudi oil (remember Saudi Arabia is the single largest source of financial support of Al Quaida) while imposing a $0.54 per gallon tarrif upon Brazilian Ethanol? Why do we NOT have a tarrif upon Venequellan oil, while have a $0.54 per gallon tarrif upon Brazilian Ethanol?

Why has Congress blocked importation of Canadian oil produced from oil-shale, as well as forbiding production from American oil-shale sources? Why?

We have some of the largest reserves of oil in the world, most of those places have been placed off limits to drilling (ANWAR, and the Gulf Coast of Fla, AL, MS). Why? If you are truly serious about doing ANYTHING at all, you'd do something about that.

If Congress were truly interested in doing something real, they you would be funding research in to genuine alternative sources of energy (fusion, non-food based ethanol, etc) rather than mouthing platitudes.

Richard A. Vail, Ph.D.
Pikesville, MD USA 21209

Rich Vail   ·  May 18, 2008 12:07 PM

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