Obama Strategist - We Want To Get Stuck

I think what we have here is a telling slip of the tongue.

A senior Democrat strategist privy to Obama's campaign said: "He's sick of the battle against Clinton. He wants to get stuck into McCain. His people have had to remind him that this thing isn't over yet and he needs to focus and put her away."
And that is not all. Mr Obama appears to be a miracle worker. His very campaign for Presidency can change lives. We have the words of a man who can testify.
James Pickens is typical of those who have been inspired by the black senator from Illinois. A reformed crack cocaine dealer, he is now peddling Obama T-shirts.

Mr Pickens, 50, has served three prison terms totalling 13 years, but vowed to change his ways after hearing Mr Obama speak.

He said: "I never voted for a president before. He's for change, which is something I need in my life. Until recently I was selling drugs, and now I'm selling T-shirts."

I wonder what State he lives in? In a lot of them felons can't vote. It would be truly unfortunate if Mr. Obama inspired Mr. Pickens so much that he returned to a life of crime. Even if only for one day to commit vote fraud.

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 05.04.08 at 02:55 PM


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Felons in North Carolina:

"have their voting rights automatically reinstated upon release from prison, probation or parole—whichever applies. That includes convicts from other states and those guilty of federal crimes. They can register as anyone else would; they don't even need proof that they've finished their sentences."


Other state laws here:


Eric Scheie   ·  May 4, 2008 04:44 PM

by Publius II

There once was a man named Obama
His life began with drama
An African Muslim father
And a wild white mama

Obama’s white grandparents
They gave him a charmed life
Raised on the beaches of Hawaii
Far from ghetto strife

He went to private schools
Fourteen thousand dollars a year
Working-class white folks
They were nowhere near

He attended Columbia
Then Harvard Law
A very soft and liberal upbringing
Something Americans eventually saw

He then went to Chicago
Nation of Islam, Farrakhan, Black Panthers and Jackson
The only friends he made
All from the extreme left-wing faction

He joined a radical church
His Pastor downright insane
Blacks and whites, he said
Think with different parts of their brain

His church praised a man named Cone
With hateful opinions he was filled
He said white people were “the devil”
And Gods who love whites must be killed

Obama first ran for State Senate
With permission from Chicago’s Marxist King
A domestic terrorist named Ayers
Obama kissed his ring

He wrote a book called “Dreams From My Father”
From start to finish a racist rant
After people finally read it
They later said: “Obama, no we can’t”

He wrote how he rejected his mother’s race
And that Malcolm X was a hero
People had a clear warning
Obama was a dangerous zero

He was then elected to the U.S. Senate
Obama’s ego grew very bold
He barely served a year
I will run for President was the story he told

He spent millions to stage rallies
The crowds would yell and cheer
But then it all fizzled after he said
Typical white folks cling to religion, guns and beer

His wife said America was mean
She was never really proud
Her Black Separatist thesis at Princeton
Became a campaign cloud

People said he was a Muslim
His supporters scoffed and jeered
Then his Black Liberation Church was exposed
And Obama’s ugly head was reared

He tried to recover in a speech on race
The radical left-wing media offered raves
But he said white folks had an “untrained ear”
And abolitionists in Pennsylvania turned over in their graves

He claimed to be a uniter
He would bring people together all at once
But after his speech in Philadelphia
He proved to be a demographic dunce

He wouldn’t cover his heart
As the National Anthem played
It’s a meaningless gesture he said
But Americans felt betrayed

He wouldn’t wear a flag pin
It was against his One World view
It doesn’t matter he said
And the American people stewed

He first called terrorist Ayers his friend
Then said this man he didn’t really know
More deceit and cover-ups
Obama’s lies began to grow

Farrakhan, Jackson and Sharpton
Three of Obama’s greatest fans
He tried hiding them in the closet
So not to further offend the white man

Then came his anti-American Pastor
Obama’s mentor for 20 years
He preened, shucked and jived
White people rose up and sneered

NBC and the New York Times
They tried each day to save Obama’s campaign
But real Americans said “FU”
And Obama spiraled down the drain

The radical left-wing Democrats
A Presidential race lost once again
Is it really a surprise
They’ve lost 7 of the last 10?

Publius II   ·  May 4, 2008 04:49 PM

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