I have not yet begun to repeat myself.....

While writing a post this morning, the power failed and the battery backup unit didn't seem to work properly, so I lost a post. But then when I tried to power up the computer after the electricity returned on, nada. My main computer failed to power on. I suspect I fried the mother board, because the power supply tests out fine and the green "flea" light on the board comes on.

So it's a major computer crash, and I'm going to have to run around fixing it.

The blog will have to wait.

Fortunately, the disappeared post I was working on was neither new nor original. A legislator who ought to know better argues in today's Inquirer that laws criminalizing the failure to report the theft or loss of guns would somehow prevent criminal straw purchases.

As I've previously blogged about this at lenth, I was basically complaining about how I hate to repeat myself -- and all while repeating myself.....

(Just what the world absolutely needs, right?)

MORE: When I said "the power supply tests out fine," I spoke too soon. It turned out that it was the power supply unit after all. The fan started and it gave me the correct voltages on a multitester, but apparently there's more to power supplies than that, because the computer repair guy got it going with another power supply.

posted by Eric on 05.12.08 at 12:25 PM


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Try this. I use one whenever I get a power failure -- has saved me dinero on mboard replacements.

Archerweps   ·  May 15, 2008 11:16 AM

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