Gay Republicans hate themselves.
(But socialism offers a cure!)

GayPatriot's B. Daniel Blatt has a great PJM piece about gay Republicans -- "Washington's One-Sided Gay War":

We gay conservatives face similar name-calling from our liberal peers, even those in the gay media.

Our gay peers, however, don't limit themselves to calling us fascists. They also call us the equivalent of African-American Klansmen or Jewish Nazis (and think themselves original when they use those tired and inaccurate analogies). The adjective they use most frequently to describe us is "self-hating" and the most used noun is "hypocrite."

Yes, and I can recall when no less than Bill Clinton said that opposing his wife's candidacy by a gay person constituted gay "self loathing."

Is it self loathing to loathe hypocrisy?

I don't think so, but if you're as intrigued by these nuances as I am, don't miss Daniel Blatt's thought-provoking essay.

posted by Eric on 05.02.08 at 10:24 AM


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The "tired analogies" part jumped out at me, as I just wrote something about that last night. I know there are conservatives/libertarians who talk in cliches as well, but doesn't it seem that an unusual number of progressives are unable to get beyond mildly clever insults and automatic downloads of their single thought on a topic? It reinforces my idea that liberalism is mostly a social acceptance phenomenon rather than a set of intellectual ideas (those get added on later).

Assistant Village Idiot   ·  May 2, 2008 10:39 AM

It seems to me that around us, from children to the old, we are surrounded by gays. These our friends, our loved ones, our children. We know many truly good people who just want to be loved, and free to love. How can we hate our friends, loved ones, our children? It is the truth of human existence that we fear what we don't understand. They are gay. It is O.K. Why would they CHOOSE something they fear will make those THEY love, hate or abandon them? Just because some religious rambling says so? We must follow our hearts, our souls. Love our people. ALL our people. It is so very important we do so. Or we will never be one as a people. Stop your child fearing you. Let them be the only thing they feel they can. Show them how to love themselves and to love in life honorably, with caring, and instill in them the future. This world is so many, with many voices screaming to be heard, when all these people want is love. Let them love, give them that right.

Berevi   ·  May 2, 2008 08:20 PM

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