Only Hillary can deliver us from victory!

Rush Limbaugh, long on record as preferring to see the Democrats defeat McCain this fall, has not given up in his battle to ensure the defeat of the Republican party which he seems to think is his to destroy.

The fly in the ointment, of course, is Barack Obama, whom the Limbaugh right seem to detest even more than they detest McCain.

I think Rush and his followers are drooling in anticipation of defeating McCain, but Obama ruins their appetite.

From the Limbaughvian perspective, the worst aspect of Barack Obama is that if he's the nominee, he could very well cause many anti-McCain conservatives to swallow their pride and actually (gasp!) vote for their own party.

Thus, Hillary remains the best hope for the GOP's defeatist wing (self styled as "real" and "principled" conservatives).

How hard they'll work for her remains to be seen.

AFTERTHOUGHT: Anyone remember when the conventional wisdom was that Hillary would unite the Republican Party?


Those were nicer times....

posted by Eric on 04.06.08 at 12:43 PM


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Well, we have the choices we now have because of the needs of the media as a business, namely that only soap opera women can be drawn as a regular audience for news whether there's actual news or not, and their eyes sold to advertisers.

Normal people won't watch day in and day out except for special occasions, and so can't pay the bills. Think city council meetings.

So soap opera news is what you get, and soap opera presidential debates, and soap opera choices for President in the end. The media business model audience, soap opera women, edits everything. What doesn't interest them has no media legs and dies.

Limbaugh is on the side of good to the extent he mocks and belittles the media. He doesn't, however, wonder very deeply why the media are the way they are. His audience is people disgusted with the media, or as I put it long ago explaining throwing out the TV once and for all, I was tired of being addressed as a woman. Women should similarly be tired of being addressed as a woman, and probably most of them are.

I think Limbaugh just wants to make the biggest mess of the Democrat party that he can, and is not going to give McCain any slack ether, McCain being a media whore himself.

He supposes McCain will win, but it's going to be with a lot of arrows in him.

Ron Hardin   ·  April 6, 2008 01:41 PM

Seeing some group defeated so you can pick up the pieces, glue them back together as you see fit, and lead the renovated group to future victories has a history. "The worse, the better" might make sense under many circumstances, but not during a war. Limbaugh is calling for the mass slaughter of Iraqis and the transformation of that country into another launchpad for psychotic filth to use against civilization.
No thanks, Rush. Go away.

Bleepless   ·  April 6, 2008 02:13 PM

You get more of what you subsidize. Having people on the Limbaugh right vote for candidates that are obviously against them (like McCain) even as they are against the other side subsidizes those candidates. That ensures that the next candidate will be even more against both factions. This is survival for the Limbaugh faction.

Phelps   ·  April 6, 2008 03:26 PM

Shouldn't that be "Limbauvians?"
Or just "Limbos?" No wonder they prefer "Dittoheads."

Ralph L   ·  April 6, 2008 06:46 PM

"Limbics." Sorry, couldn't resist. I used to be a regular listener and 90% agreer with Rush, but I just don't get what he's up to on this.

Assistant Village Idiot   ·  April 7, 2008 02:18 PM

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