How many clues do the clueless need?

Don't miss "The 'Useful Idiots' of Militant Islam" by Youssef M. Ibrahim. (Biography here.)

Analogizing to Lenin's "useful idiots," Ibrahim argues that their Islamist equivalent are everywhere:

Today's Islamist Lawrences are being cultivated among a broad swath of political analysts, scholars, anthropologists, pundits, missionaries, and even spies dissecting militant Islam and Islamofascism. While most carry out illuminating and necessary work, the fish they bait ends up ensnaring many.

A few recent catches: the archbishop of Canterbury urging the introduction of Sharia law in Britain; Harvard University, a bastion of secular scholarship, shutting its gym to men to accommodate Muslim women; authorities at Minneapolis's international airport negotiating for months with 700 Somali Muslim taxi drivers who refused to pick up passengers carrying liquor or depending on guide dogs.

Then there was President George Bush launching his Muslim initiative last June from the Islamic Center of Washington, a Saudi institution distributing educational material instructing Muslims to segregate themselves from other Americans.

Among other things, the Saudi-funded publications admonish Muslims in America "to dissociate from infidels, hate them for their religion, never to rely on them for support, and always oppose them in every way according to Islamic law." The question: how was it that among the estimated five million Muslim Americans with hugely varied institutions, the president's advisors picked a Saudi Islamofascist ghetto as a venue?

This cluelessness is spreading into the academy and the arts too.

Ibrahim supplies examples, and I'd add my experience with the local Saudi madrassa -- caught trying to run a jihadist summer camp with known terrorist-sympathetic speakers which violated its agreement with the neighbors as well as local codes, yet was given special privileges the same board refused to extend to a Christian school.

And as I pointed out in another post, the Islamic scholar who was newly appointed President of Bryn Mawr College assisted in the prosecution of a man for criminal hate speech in Canada.

So, I completely agree that cluelessness is spreading. What I'd like to know is how long should such people are to be called clueless.

I mean, how many clues do they need?

MORE: In his review of the Fitna film, Nick Packwood sheds quite a bit of light on the nature of Western cluelessness:

Wilders has created a document whose power lies in its not being seen.*** I could find more inflammatory rhetoric on YouTube in five minutes but nothing so powerful as the argument we are not allowed to hear. The cowardice of the West is unfolding precisely as Wilders has foreseen. The cowards are doing all the rhetorical heavy lifting, proving his argument for him. There is only so long our culture can hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil before we walk civilization over the cliff and plummet into the abyss of a new Dark Age. Either that or until the consequences of denial are no longer supportable as neurosis, our conversion symptoms fail and we collectively undergo a genocidal psychotic break. They do not call psychoanalysis the "talking cure" for nothing. We either have to face our problems directly or they shall govern us until the end, whatever that end turns out to be.
Read it all.

posted by Eric on 04.17.08 at 07:36 PM


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The close association between the Bush family and the Saudis is well known.

What is NOT well-known, least of all to those who vote Republican, is how often Bush and other Republicans acquiesce to the demands of Islam for the accommodation of their views and more unsettling folkways.

As one author stated, the reason for our sick dependency relationship with Islam is that they control the largest known supply of oil, which gives them incredible leverage in their dealings with the western world.

This alone is reason enough to do whatever it takes to re-arrange our lifestyles and public policy so that we can cut our oil consumption by at least 60%.

We can sit here and hope that the Bakken Formation yields more oil than it appears it will at this time, but oil coming on line in five years isn't going to save us now, and until it happens, we are stuck with dealing with people who hate us and would like to see every last one of us die, for the lifeblood of our economy.

I can't contemplate our oil consumption and car dependence without thinking of its cost to us in these terms.

Laura Louzader   ·  April 17, 2008 08:49 PM

"... authorities at Minneapolis's international airport negotiating for months with 700 Somali Muslim taxi drivers who refused to pick up passengers carrying liquor or depending on guide dogs."

What's the issue with that? If a Christian taxi driver did not want to give a ride to two homosexual men holding hands, then that should be his decision. It's his bottom line. Same goes for the Somali taxi drivers. Why is anybody entitled to service from a businessman who doesn't want to serve them?

Now, if these are employees disobeying instructions, then that's another issue. If that is the case, then Somali taxi drivers = bad, in this case.

Joseph Sixpack   ·  April 18, 2008 10:51 AM

Joseph Sixpack: Because those taxi drivers have an agreement with the airport and are licensed by local government. This is not a freedom of religion issue it is a breach of contract issue.

And in so far as this is about religious beliefs, OUR beliefs should prevail, not those of the "islamists". Otherwise, there is no reason those drivers should have a non-Muslim sully their cabs or they could choose to refuse fares from women dressed "immodestly" or unaccompanied by a male relative.

Flea   ·  April 18, 2008 11:16 AM

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