End women's suffrage, Part II (End the Curse!)
If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president. It's kind of a pipe dream, it's a personal fantasy of mine, but I don't think it's going to happen.

-- Ann Coulter

That was said in humor, right? I mean, like most of the serious women who are planning to vote for Hillary Clinton, Ann Coulter would not seriously want to take away her own right to vote, would she?

Certainly not. Why, the idea itself is laughable.

Anyway, a few weeks ago M. Simon posted this hilarious YouTube video in which clueless college students were asked to -- and did -- sign a petition to end women's suffrage.

What made it funny was not merely because the kids didn't understand what they were signing, but because the idea of taking away the right of women to vote is comical.


Not so fast. A man named Gary D. Naler (who makes Dobson and Robertson look like flaming liberals) has written a book called The Curse of 1920, which I just heard being plugged on the radio. From the Amazon book review blurb:

In 1920, a three-pronged Curse was unleashed upon America and the world, effecting the most dramatic and destructive changes to man since the Garden of Eden. This three-pronged Curse is: the women's rights movement; jazz, rock 'n' roll, and rap; and abortion and euthanasia. The Curse of 1920 chronicles the wholly destructive affects of this Curse, affording conclusive evidence from multiple sources, and critically gets to the very root of our nation's most compelling governmental, social, and religious problems. As this book clearly reveals, the root of this Curse lies in women, the black man, feminized men, the church, and is even rooted 3,726 years before in Abraham. But exposing these problems is only the beginning; for unless we take specific measures to reverse the Curse of 1920, it will continue to destroy us! These measures are clearly laid out here.
That's just the bare outline. At the book's web site, specifics like these are addressed in detail:
The Women's Rights Movement:

The escalating destruction of our nation in the last ninety years has proven that the woman is the weaker vessel who is easily deceived, and needs the strengthening of the law to protect her from the temptation of filing for divorce, rejecting her head, leaving the home, and destroying the family, or getting involved in government. Our nation has sadly proven that abandonment of patriarchal government destroys the home and this nation. To reverse this Curse:

(1) The Nineteenth Amendment must be repealed and men alone be given the right to vote and to govern,
(2) We must restore the patriarchal government whereupon this nation was founded, including property and divorce laws, and
(3) We must establish a sunset law on public welfare so as to restore the structure of the home--a man and a wife--as well as initiative.

To restore the black man to the head of his home:

(1) Welfare must be removed so that the woman and children must learn to once again depend on the man, and
(2) Patriarchal government must be restored and divorce laws changed to reflect the man's legal right to all assets in the home, including the children. Responsibility produces responsibleness, for both parties.

To restore the family:

(1) The man is the head of the home and head of society, and the woman cannot exercise the authority of the man in either,
(2) The husband is to love and honor his wife,
(3) The wife is to obey her husband,
(4) Divorce is not an option (except in the case of infidelity),
(5) The married woman is to be the keeper of the home and refrain from working outside of it, and
(6) Children are to obey their parents in all things.

And, women need to:

Repent and get out of men's clothing and the place of the man and find their place in the home under their husband's authority, covering themselves in modest women's clothing.

Zimran Music:

Abraham's marriage to the cursed Canaanite, Keturah, and the six sons they brought forth, clearly evidenced the course this nation has followed under the Curse of 1920--music, ensnared, doubly contentious, forsaking, and sinking down into the mud. The curse of Ham came upon this nation through Voodoo music, effecting the curse of Satan-headed Africa with all its ill and destructive practices. Therefore:

We must bring our children under the protective covering of responsible and moral censorship of the music and entertainment industry, both through government and through the home.

The web site also offers some selected quotes from the book like these:
As we will see here, because the woman has not allowed the man to rule over her, submitting to him, our homes and our society and our government are fraught with an imperiling tsunami of disastrous ills! [p. 26]

Two strong beasts came out of the sea in 1920--the first was violent and thrashing, and contrary to her name even intemperate, affording immediate devastation; the second was keen, cunning, and sly, and even more evil than her sister. Because of the wrath of the first beast, she was quickly slain. But her sister, who seemed to offer no harm, was allowed to go free. She, with deft shrewdness, walked the land as well; but learning from her sister, she moved silently and under the cloak of disguise. Waxed with persuasion and emotions and fed on self-rights and drunk on the need for power, she slew far more than her violent sister ever came near to. She, the latter, has been the far greater beast, for she has continued her violence unawares--the most destructive of all enemies! Now, she too must be slain! [p. 40]

Feminists have one purpose--to obtain power! And the only way they can obtain it is to erase the line of distinction between the sexes and create a government and society that is homosexual. From the standpoint of Yahweh's government, the sexual homogeneity of the government of this nation is a perversion, even as homosexuality per se is a perversion. [p. 53]

What then happens when the blood that comes from the bones becomes polluted? The blood then pollutes the whole body. Thus, that which is in the blood will be evidenced in the body. And in replication, that which is in government will be evidenced in society. So, why is there so much homosexuality in society today? The answer is quite obvious. Because there is governmental homosexuality--one and the same sex! Feminism! Removing the distinction between men and women in voting and in governing. When our government became homosexual, our society evidenced homosexuality. [p. 54]


And to repeat here once again, and will be drawn upon in Chapter 14--we must reject Africa's cursed matriarchy that has come upon this nation and legally restore our original patriarchal government. Marriage and voting laws must likewise be restored to uphold Yahweh's union of two into one flesh under the husband's headship. We must eliminate welfare, which continues Johnson's War on the Black Family. The coverings over women's bodies (and men's bodies) and heads that have become more and more like those of naked Africans must be restored--following in the lineage of Shem and not Ham. We must reject, eliminate, and censor the cursed black Voodoo Zimran music of jazz, rock, rap, et al., as well as the shameful and destructive excesses of the entertainment and advertising industries. And we must cease the slaughter of our innocent infants through abortion and the infirmed through euthanasia.

America, the heavenly kingdom, the blessed descendants of Shem, has been under the curse of Ham through the black man of Africa, the snake kingdom, and we must reverse this Curse of 1920 and cover our father's nakedness! [p. 222]

How many men would send a woman to an auto repair shop to have the car checked out? Not many, because the woman is vulnerable. So how could we fall for this now-proven failed idea that the family and this nation are better off with the woman having equal rights with the man? Is there a sanity check here? It is time we wake up to what is right and to what works and not be deceived--a quality all too often evidenced by the created. Our nation's ever-increasing rise in divorce rates since the 1800s is due to one thing--women's rights, the most destructive force today on the face of this earth! It destroyed the original Garden of God, and it is destroying America, the garden of God at the nations level. Again, Mrs. Annie Wittenmyer was right--suffrage has struck "a fatal blow at the home!" [p. 256]

Present-day conservatism is not masculinism, but homosexuality leaning to the right! [p. 270]

There's a lot more, and it's very, um, interesting, to say the least.

I don't know why the presidential candidates haven't been asked about any of these serious questions.

Sometimes I can't tell the difference between satire and reality. It happens when I have to spend a great deal of time trying to distinguish between what's serious and what isn't, and in cases like this, logic can actually cloud the process. After all, I am analyzing statements by real people, talking about a real issue, am I not? I guess this "movement" has to be considered right wing, doesn't it? Will right wing women support it? Should women get to vote on the question of whether they should lose the right, or is that hopeless paradox only part of the Curse?

I'm very confused.

However, I will make one serious observation grounded in my logical assessment of real life politics. It is my considered opinion that no movement to repeal the 19th Amendment will ever have the slightest chance of success. Not even if the 19th Amendment were first repealed, and that would be impossible.

A movement to repeal the First Amendment would have a better chance.

(There might be some slight irony in the last statement, as I doubt the First Amendment would pass today, but I don't want to speculate about such things as whether there's a "free speech gender gap," for that might be construed as offensive....)

MORE: Without regard to the question I just raised, nearly half of Americans think the First Amendment goes too far, although no gender breakdown is given.

But here are a couple of excerpts from the study:

Less than six in 10 agreed that people should be allowed to say things in public that might be offensive to religious groups. And barely a third of those surveyed said people should be able to say things that might be offensive to racial groups.


57% of those surveyed said that people should be allowed to say things in public that might be offensive to religious groups; the exact same percentage agreed that musicians should be allowed to sing songs with lyrics that others might find offensive. With regard to the latter right, differences in support between the sexes were particularly acute: 64% of men agreed with the right of musicians to sing offensive lyrics, as compared to 49% of the women surveyed.

Keeping in mind the requirements, and the onerous uphill struggle it takes to amend the Constitution, I'm not sure the First Amendment would make it through today, regardless of any gender gap.

UPDATE: The Padua Academy in the video above appears to be a private Catholic high school and not a college. Correction noted!

posted by Eric on 04.17.08 at 12:06 PM


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I saw a lot of this stuff in my Jesus Freak days back in the 70's. I figure it will take awhile for it to draw its last breath. As the biblical, historical, and sociological connections are all exceedingly tenuous, one does immediately wonder what this person's life experiences and/or brain illnesses are, that any information that veers close to his favored topics is drawn in as if by powerful magnets.

Actually, I like that image. This guy's brain is like a magnet, with unrelated pieces of junk fastened to it.

Assistant Village Idiot   ·  April 17, 2008 12:25 PM

Not for nothing but this video is two years old.


FAP   ·  April 18, 2008 08:43 AM

Not for nothing but this video is two years old.


Anonymous   ·  April 18, 2008 08:59 AM

These are obviously high school students, not college students. Makes a difference in how appalling their ignorance of American history is.

anonymous   ·  April 18, 2008 09:29 AM

These are obviously high school students, not college students. Makes a difference in how appalling their ignorance of American history is.

Anonymous   ·  April 18, 2008 09:29 AM

These are obviously high school students, not college students. Makes a difference in how appalling their ignorance of American history is.

anonymous   ·  April 18, 2008 09:30 AM

It's been about 10 years, but if I remember correctly, on the very first episode of "The Man Show" Jimmy Kimmel and Adam Carolla pulled this same stunt, most likely in Southern California. The thing is, it's not really a political experiment; it's a vocabulary test. The vast majority of the people that sign the petition don't actually know what the word means, so it's just a trick. It's funny on Comedy Central (although "The Man Show" lost its appeal pretty quickly), but basically meaningless.

doofman   ·  April 18, 2008 09:33 AM

That video was hilarious the first time I saw it over 5 years ago, when it was Jimmy Kimmel and Adam Carolla asking old women to end women's suffrage on the Man Show. Two years old or not, the video is not original

dave   ·  April 18, 2008 09:37 AM

That video is a rip off of a sketch Jimmy Kimmel and Adam Carolla did on the Man Show.

Anonymous   ·  April 18, 2008 11:12 AM

I think we could do more good repealing the 17th than the 19th.

Phelps   ·  April 18, 2008 12:31 PM

Yes - Remember John Lennon's song, "Woman is the nigger of the world"--

Mari   ·  April 18, 2008 02:55 PM

Not knowing the difference between the words "suffrage" and "sufferage" IS the point here. Yes, once you explain to people it means women's right to vote then (unless you're Ann Coulter) they won't agree to end it. But really, is there an excuse for not knowing it? It's taught in schools. It's not a vague word. Or would I have to explain that "vague" doesn't mean "vogue?"

mightydarwin   ·  April 19, 2008 02:54 AM

Here's a "heads up" video on this issue:

Headzup   ·  April 19, 2008 08:08 PM

This is absolute Bullshit! Anyone who agrees with this is a poor intellectual. Wow...where do I start....As for the whole first amendment not passing, I think it would pass easily! Everyone I know (male and female) would vote for it! It's crazy to take away the people's right to dissent. Our goverment governs us only with our consent, and I'll be damned if I let someone take my right to a vote away from me! You know what? I even think that you should be allowed to post this even though I find it offensive, just as you may find me offensive. Now, onto suffrage. I am a younger person and I know the difference between the two things! It is wrong to say all young people are stupid. I am very poitically active and I know what I support and why. When I vote, I am not hysterical, nor am I voting for a homosexual government. That is ridiculous! A government is an institution, which, as you may or may not know, is incapable of having sex with anything. As for the people in the government, I don't care what/who they sleep with as long as they do their job with honesty and integrity! It's their own business. Women are not inferior to men in any way, shape, or form. We are just as intelligent and we sure didn't bring any "curse" on you. You want to revert us back to the dark ages. Give men all the rights?! Neither sex is perfect, but I'm not trusting my man with all of my stuff, including my children. I own my things and my life, as well as my body. I am human, just like you. The thing about rock and roll being bad and how we are reverting to an "African" like state is not only dumb but offensive to Africans, who are also not inferior. (though you have the right to say it....just like I can say I find it offensive) Ok, I'm done..just thought that you should hear what the other side says.

NakedHippieGirl   ·  April 20, 2008 01:01 PM

This is absolute Bullshit! Anyone who agrees with this is a poor intellectual. Wow...where do I start....As for the whole first amendment not passing, I think it would pass easily! Everyone I know (male and female) would vote for it! It's crazy to take away the people's right to dissent. Our goverment governs us only with our consent, and I'll be damned if I let someone take my right to a vote away from me! You know what? I even think that you should be allowed to post this even though I find it offensive, just as you may find me offensive. Now, onto suffrage. I am a younger person and I know the difference between the two things! It is wrong to say all young people are stupid. I am very poitically active and I know what I support and why. When I vote, I am not hysterical, nor am I voting for a homosexual government. That is ridiculous! A government is an institution, which, as you may or may not know, is incapable of having sex with anything. As for the people in the government, I don't care what/who they sleep with as long as they do their job with honesty and integrity! It's their own business. Women are not inferior to men in any way, shape, or form. We are just as intelligent and we sure didn't bring any "curse" on you. You want to revert us back to the dark ages. Give men all the rights?! Neither sex is perfect, but I'm not trusting my man with all of my stuff, including my children. I own my things and my life, as well as my body. I am human, just like you. The thing about rock and roll being bad and how we are reverting to an "African" like state is not only dumb but offensive to Africans, who are also not inferior. (though you have the right to say it....just like I can say I find it offensive) Ok, I'm done..just thought that you should hear what the other side says.

NakedHippieGirl   ·  April 20, 2008 01:02 PM

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