Yes. But as should be obvious, Chris Rock doesn't hate black people. If David Duke made the same remarks, it wouldn't be funny.
Let me see here. If I agree with Chris and I'm white, I'm a hater?
Isn't that a racist way of looking at things?
Truth is dependent on a man's skin color?
BTW there is a difference between Duke and Rock. Duke hates all black people. Rock just hates niggers.
Are you David Duke?
Why do you ask?
FWIW, my thoughts on the "n" word are here:
I don't use it as I think it's rude, but I think its use in comedy is very different from a derogatory intent.
And I'd love to write the one from the other side: White Folks vs what my grandmothers referred to as Po' White Trash.
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Yes. But as should be obvious, Chris Rock doesn't hate black people. If David Duke made the same remarks, it wouldn't be funny.