Hillary's double-secret Republican smear campaign operatives!

Remember the good old days when the Clintons were being accused of racializing the campaign? Lots of pundits and bloggers chimed in almost gleefully, with those on the right side of the political spectrum making no secret of their delight to see Hillary and her supporters hoisted by their own petard.

Well, that is now old hat. The debate seems to be shifting now, and I think this week's Bill Cunningham moment may have marked a turning point. John McCain may have put Cunningham in his place, but that only caused Cunningham to promptly join the Coulter-Clinton-Buchanan axis, and probably damaged McCain's chances to win over the red-meat conservatives on the right.

And it certainly did nothing to help McCain with the left. That McCain flirted with Cunningham in the first place is seen as damning proof that bigotry is alive and well in the GOP. The later attempt to create distance was widely seen as insufficient. A blogger I mistakenly called "hard left" in a previous post seems to have articulated the emergent mainstream Democrat position when he accused McCain of playing a racist "who me?" game.

Just today, respected liberal analyst Dick Polman said pretty much the same thing -- and more:

....By depicting Obama in ceremonial Somali garb (a 2006 photo posted on the "Drudge Report"); by running anonymous quotes, supposedly from a "senior Pentagon official," about how Obama's ascension would be "the final victory" for "the Arab street" (news story in the Washington Times); and by writing, more politely, about how Obama's priorities are really "post-nationalist" and "post-American" (the National Review), the goal is to insinuate that a Trojan Horse has breached the castle walls, with plans to lead us to ruin.

(Drudge said the photo came from a Clinton staffer, but this has never been confirmed, and Republican bloggers and operatives have been quite pleased to disseminate it.)

John McCain won't say such things, of course. If Obama wins the nomination, McCain will hew to the high road and merely suggest with great civility that his young rival would be a risky choice in a dangerous world. He will occasionally denounce the low-road travelers, just as he rebuked Cunningham, but he will not be able to muzzle them. It would be truly ironic if McCain, whose first candidacy eight years ago was wrecked by right-wing smears, managed to triumph with their assistance in 2008.

Hmmm... Hillary won't say such things either, but never mind that. I have a question, though. Does the fact that the picture was not disseminated here mean I am not a Republican blogger or operative? What about the fact that Polman displays it right there in his column? Or that the Inquirer and countless other newspapers displayed it prominently? Are they all working hand in glove with Republican operatives?

Notice that whether the Clinton campaign leaked the photo doesn't really matter. If the right wing does the heavy lifting for Hillary, that's just fine all the way around. The dirty work gets done, and the people who did the dirty work are blamed and shamed for it.

It's classic Machiavellian strategy. Hillary is free to go out of her way to condemn the right wing smears, and if she has any sense she'll be sure to go into as much detail as possible just in case anyone missed them.

Before this race is over, Cunningham, Coulter, Limbaugh and company will have been respun as McCain's dirty tricksters. Why, the very fact that they're supporting Hillary and urging their followers to vote for her instead of Obama could easily be spun as proof of right wing racism!

(Notice, of course, that far from disavowing their support, Hillary has welcomed it!)

Oh the irony.

And what about John Hagee, the anti-Catholic bigot condemned by Glenn Greenwald's favorite anti-gay bigot? How will he fit in? Will the fact that he endorsed McCain cause his rantings to be spun as the new Republican Party platform?

Stay tuned. Whatever happens, this race promises to be a lot of fun.

(Just to be clear, I remain adamantly opposed to the return of the Clintons to the White House.)

posted by Eric on 03.02.08 at 09:01 AM


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I usually like to read your 'stuff' but this continuing discussion of race and bigotry is not productive and not enlightening. It even appears to me that it could be a deliberate effort to avoid Obama having to deal at a more specific level with some of the issues about which we know little of where he stands.

Obama, at times, delivers inspiring oratory. No one is likely to say this about Clinton or McCain. We do know a great deal about where the latter two are likely to try to take us as President. If we thought we knew as much about Obama plans, then we could get down to some nitty-gritty deliberation about who would be best.

It is clear that the American public cannot reach consensus on what many of us would see as objective facts (there have been opposing views on the state of the economy for years while much of it is measurable) but the media and the blogosphere work extremely avidly to fill the air with irrelevancies. It is my hope that come November we will make a decision based on reason and not Hollywood and media hype.

Bob Thompson   ·  March 2, 2008 11:00 AM

Polman doesn't provide evidence, he simply avows that the right-wing is capable of such antics. Not enough.

Mr. Thompson's point is well-taken, but I would add the caveat that how Obama plays such potentially manipulative issues reflects on matters of simple character, especially honesty.

Assistant Village Idiot   ·  March 3, 2008 10:07 AM

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