I'm Not Responsible

Eric at Classical Values is looking at a question that has vexed him for quite some time. Is A responsible for what B says? Actually the post in question is a little more convoluted than that, but the convolution - necessary for his point - is not what I want to talk about.

I'm not responsible for what David Duke says.

I am responsible for my associations with him. (I don't have any)

So is David Duke a nice guy? Who knows? Even if he was I wouldn't associate with him. I do not wish to be seen as a supporter of his views. Fair or unfair that is the way the world works. Since I can't see what is in your heart I have to judge by outward appearances. Yeah, I know - it sucks. A lot of human nature does not correspond to what we see as our ideal selves. Which may not be ideal at all. After all nature made us what we are in order to survive nature (and humans which are a big part of the nature we deal with).

So when does a person's views get bad enough that I should stop associating with that person?

It is a judgment call.

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 03.23.08 at 10:15 PM


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I'll complicate things further. Suppose you were good friends with someone you didn't agree with on anything. (Close association, but little or no agreement.) This happens all the time with people who aren't running for office (I have friends who are 180 degrees apart from me politically) -- and the fact is, some people are better able to separate people from their politics than others.

Should you abandon friends if you run for office?

What are politics? Is it ethical for me to forgive bigotry against one group, but not against another?

Who makes these rules?

when do a person's views get bad enough that I should stop associating with that person?

To me, it's very simple -- whether I like the person, and whether the person is nice to me and does not cross a certain line into being what I would call unfriendly -- or rude. Even if the person's views are anathema, if I enjoy his company it's a good way to get a glimpse of what I'd ordinarily never see.

The problem is, some of my friends who would horrify some of my other friends, so I keep them separate from each other. The reason I don't have to explain myself is that I'm not running for office.

We often hear "By their friends ye shall know them."

Fine, but does that mean that "he who hangs out with harlots and tax collectors is a harlot and a tax collector"?

Eric Scheie   ·  March 23, 2008 10:29 PM

Eric and Simon,

I know I said something along this line before but I cannot remember if it was here.

Eric is correct that you can associate with people whose beliefs are quite opposed to yours and it is of no consequence (unless perhaps they are very extreme such as Simon's example of David Duke).

But when the person in question is a significant authority in an institution to which you belong through voluntary membership and that institution is at the center of your belief system and presumably has some influence in shaping your values and you are vying for a position of trust representing those who don't subscribe to those beliefs, everything changes. You then may very well become responsible for someone else's beliefs if you are unwilling to disavow them.

Bob Thompson   ·  March 23, 2008 11:50 PM

Politics is about advertising. Each political figure is a brand.

It is very important to keep your message consistent. If you want your product to sell.

Now we all know politics is an unsavory business and politicians will associate with characters few would approve of. We know that politicians are really not like the brand they are selling. So what do politicians normally do? Minimize contact with those who would tarnish the brand.

But what is the brand of a politician? Really. It is the politician's associates.

When you look at a candidate you also scrutinize his associates. To get an idea of what his actual policies might be as opposed to fine rhetoric and flowery speeches.

For better or worse Obama has branded himself as a racist by making a racist the center of his spiritual life.

Obama should have taken a few advertising courses or read some books on advertising rather than spending his Sundays with Rev. Wrong. He would be a lot farther ahead.



Thanks for that. It inspired the above.

M. Simon   ·  March 24, 2008 01:01 AM

The "Obama is the real racist" line doesn't seem like it will be very effective propaganda.

It will offend the very people McCain needs to win in November(the Independents).

I think some retooling is in order, M.

alphie   ·  March 24, 2008 02:12 AM

You are always so annalytical and clear about how you arrive at your conclusions about things(must be the lawyer in you,I wish i could be half as clear!) that I can understand why observing someone whom you would disagree with politically would help to give you insight into that persons thinking.

"Even if the person's views are anathema, if I enjoy his company it's a good way to get a glimpse of what I'd ordinarily never see."

But that would only work for a friendship if both sides were willing to agree to disagree,otherwise you are just observing and it is not a friendship,as the other person doesn't really know who you are,do they?

p.s. But the Man who hung out with harlots and tax collectors was without sin,nor did he lie to them about the depth of their sins,he just forgave them and told them to sin no more.

flicka47   ·  March 24, 2008 05:19 AM


Obama is sinking like a stone against McCain in the polls.

So exactly who are the people McCain needs in Nov who are not going to vote for him because they suspect "Obama is the real racist"?

OK I know. You. Without your vote McCain will lose.

M. Simon   ·  March 24, 2008 10:47 AM


Did Obama chase the racists out of the temple?

I hadn't noticed.

M. Simon   ·  March 24, 2008 10:49 AM

Would those be the same polls that showed McCain's campaign was over just a few months ago, M.?

If the far rught can't forgo their daily ragegasm to help McCain win in November, he's in big trouble.

alphie   ·  March 24, 2008 11:52 AM

David Duke has made the pilgrimage to Damascus to denounce McBushHitler's Iraq policy. I associate David Duke with others who have similarly made the pilgrimage to Damascus to denounce McBushHitler's Iraq policy, such as John F Kerryman,Chris Dodd,Nancy Pelosi, and Zbig shilling for Obama.

Gringo   ·  March 24, 2008 04:07 PM


Obviously you are not paying attention. The Republican Party is in disarray. The Democrat Party is collapsing. Possibly to end a 200+ year tradition.

Of course you are right. Polls this early mean nothing. I'm so looking forward to Denver. I'm told the Democrats have quite a show planned for us, including televised pictures of a giant street party. It ought to be very entertaining.

But really. I agree with my yellow dog Democrat mother. Worst line up ever.

M. Simon   ·  March 24, 2008 04:45 PM

One of the local bars has a sign up outside - "Great choice! A boob with nuts, or a nut with boobs!"

And realistically, what does it tell about the Democratic Party when THESE TWO are considered their most eligible candidates for the Presidency?

JLawson   ·  March 24, 2008 08:39 PM


I think what it tells you is that the party is over. Time to clean up the remaining mess.

M. Simon   ·  March 25, 2008 12:10 AM

M Simon,

Obama is only about Obama. He is not a leader or a savior or a messiah.He is a socialist who only wants the perks he can get for himself and his minions.

Chase the racists from the temple? Not likely,more likely he'd let them take the communion plate!

flicka47   ·  March 25, 2008 04:46 AM

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