And the latest polls show....

Clinton is slightly ahead of McCain.

And McCain is slightly ahead of Obama.

The majority of Democrats, though, still prefer Obama.

If McCain is lucky, the majority will get its way.

posted by Eric on 03.18.08 at 12:57 PM


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Obama made a good speech yesterday but in doing so he vilified his elderly frail grandmother. When his father deserted the family and he preferred to stay with his grandparents (when his mother went overseas) his grandmother cared for and loved him deeply. He said so in his speech. He even had the advantage of going to a private school in Hawaii which many young people and their parents here would love to
be able to do. I was offended that he compared the Rev. Wright's rantings to things his grandmother said within the family. We all know that family members say things at times that they may later regret but they don't want it broadcast on TV to millions of people years later. He seemed so ungrateful and showed lack of character and respect for someone who took him in and cared and loved him when his father deserted him. I am a grandmother too who cares deeply for my grandchildren and I would not like to have a grandchild who would thrash me like he did his grandmother. I hope he publicly apologises to her because grandmothers like me will not vote for him in the elections if he is the Democratic candidate.

BRENDA   ·  March 19, 2008 07:55 PM

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