I Won't Vote For McCain

If you are a blog fanatic, as I am, you see a lot of "Ill never vote for John McCain because.....".

And I agree totally with that sentiment.

When I vote for John McCain again (I did it 9 or 13 times in the recent primary - hey, it's Illinois we got to keep up tradition) it will not be a vote for him. It will be a vote against the Hillary/Obama surrender axis.

We can stand socialism lite and winning. We cannot stand socialism heavy and losing.

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 02.09.08 at 04:43 PM


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McCain is socialism lite; as are all of them really. Where did we as a population get the concept that voting for the most principled means voting for the least worst of the unprincipled?

I understand and respect your decision, but don't cast a vote for the unprincipled as a vote against the unprincipled.

Geistmaus   ·  February 10, 2008 06:19 AM

There is a cost and responsibility to voting to any of the three remaining... and as responsibility of voting goes to the individual, the accountability for that vote also is bestowed upon the self-same individual. If you recognize the cost then it is placed upon the individual to mitigate it. Personal responsibility via the franchise in a representative democracy is *not* put upon the candidates, but upon the voter.

Vote for someone who represents you and be prepared to mitigate the effects of that for the Union. We the People have the franchise and that greatest responsibility is put upon those who exercise the franchise.

At this rate I fully expect that we will see a sub-52% turnout for this election and probably a sub-50% turnout which is the walking away by the People from this government. It is not 'just those who are interested' and any validity of democracy requires a majority... this does mean we have had not just plurality government for decades, but minority government for decades. That is moving from the will of the People to the will of the committed ideologs and party apparatchiks. That is sub-25% approval by the People - so turned off by the ideologies espoused they cannot even bother to vote for them.

That is not those too ignorant to vote: it is the vote of no confidence in the political views having *any* affinity worth researching to be interested *in them*. And the signposts on this road were pointed out at the founding, and they lead to no place pleasant.

ajacksonian   ·  February 10, 2008 07:56 AM


Damage control.

M. Simon   ·  February 10, 2008 08:36 AM

It occurred to me over the weekend what people in other countries - even freeish, democratic countries in Europe - have for candidates to vote for. If free-marketers in Europe applied the same principle that the anti McCain purists are advocating this election, they would never have anyone worth voting for in their entire adult lives.

I've complained about socialist lites as well, but really, I should know better. Look at the parties of Europe and kiss the ground we walk on here.

Assistant Village Idiot   ·  February 11, 2008 08:43 AM

I have a question for Conservatives who claim that there is something honorable about not voting for McCain. Who spend more of their time beating down a fellow Republican, while ignoring the extreme liberal forces that are about to kick their butts completely out of every branch of government.

What is honorable about sitting on your butt at home, refusing to vote - allowing all branches of government to be swarmed by RABIDLY liberal opponents who have vowed to undo everything conservatives have fought to achieve over the past decade?

I hear endless whining and griping from Conservatives - while the extreme liberals, who are bent on reversing every conservative principal - out number us at the polls nearly two to one. Is that principal, or do conservatives just have a death wish to see our country turn to the extreme left (who has no problem getting their hind ends to the polls)..

What is so conservative about beating down the (soon to be) nominee who supports our troops, instead of the extreme liberals who insult our troops and degrade them every single day in front of the entire world?

By punishing John McCain for not being conservative enough - you are really punishing all conservatives by making absolutely sure they will be governed by rabid liberalism for the next 4 to 8 years.

By stomping your feet and refusing to help, you in turn assure that the laws of the land will have few conservatives in a position of power to stop a runaway liberal train that will further infiltrate our school, explode your tax burden and socialize as much of your life as it can.

If you must be dragged to the polls, then don't bother complaining when our courts get even more liberal. The liberals who put those judges in place will thank you for your support, while stripping all conservatism out of the law.

Please think twice before punishing the rest of us conservatives, who may not love McCain, but are smart enough to realize the living nightmare that will ensue when a REAL liberal takes control of the house, the senate and now the White House.

I see nothing conservative about being so focused on the anthill, you completely ignore the volcano that's about to wipe your entire cause out. That is not principal. That's political suicide. Will conservatives ever learn?.

Danny Vice

Danny Vice   ·  February 16, 2008 08:45 PM

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