Ein Volk

Obama Is The Messiah.

"Just follow Barack's lead and be honest with them," [Obama's] site advises. "You don't need to debate policy or discuss the day's headlines. You have a very personal reason for investing your time and energy in this campaign - that is the most compelling story you can tell."

Indeed, participants in the Saturday morning precinct-captain training were already adept at telling their Obama-conversion stories.

Libbie Coleman, a 61-year-old microbiology teacher at McClatchy High School, read Obama's books last spring.

Another Messiah from another time.

H/T Instapundit

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 02.10.08 at 04:42 PM


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I guess it's okay to refer to Obama as the Messiah if you have a very sick viewof the Messiah. This man vted and supportedthe murder of precious humanbabies AFTER they survive an abortion. Infanticide!

Anti - Messiah would be a better tag.

Don L   ·  February 10, 2008 05:50 PM


It was lame Nazi smear Sunday and I missed it?

I think someone needs to refill their rhetoric tanks...

alphie   ·  February 10, 2008 07:22 PM

I have the feeling that the parody industry is going to kick in pretty quickly on Obama.

And John and Ken (KFI Los Angeles) are already going to town on him

Feb 2
Feb 4
Feb 5

Ron Hardin   ·  February 10, 2008 07:38 PM


He will bring us together. He says so.

You probably just don't like it in the original German.

M. Simon   ·  February 10, 2008 08:46 PM

Actually, Rove's recycled Goebbels shtick is what caused me to vote for the Dems...not a big fan, really:

They hate our people because it is decent, brave, industrious, hardworking and intelligent. They hate our views, our social policies, and our accomplishments. They hate us as a Reich and as a community. They have forced us into a struggle for life and death. We will defend ourselves accordingly. All is clear between us and our enemies.

--Joseph Goebbels December 31,1939

alphie   ·  February 11, 2008 01:21 AM

The irony about alphie's using the Goebbels quote, and comparing it to Rove is the following.
1) Three buildings in Manhattan, plus numerous incidents throughout the world both before and after 9/11.

2)As regards the Joos, to whom Goebbels was basically referring in his quote: what comparable harm had they done to Germany, outside the fevered imaginations of anti-Semites?

Gringo   ·  February 11, 2008 07:33 AM

Iraq did America as much harm as Poland had done to Germany, Gringo.

Fevered imaginations are always with us...

alphie   ·  February 11, 2008 10:22 AM

Paging Godwin, eh? Kinda lame, sir. Especially given all the populist nonsense that's been spouted in this campaign, finding quotes comparable to players in the Third Reich (or Stalin, or Lenin, or Mao, or ) shouldn't be terribly hard. I'd find it more disturbing if it wasn't that I'm pretty sure many modern, successful, political campaigns could be linked back to similar tactics.

Oh, well... At least that site is pretty funny. Brilliant parody.

Jared G.   ·  February 12, 2008 01:13 PM

Iraq did America as much harm as Poland had done to Germany, Gringo.

Yes, this is an excellent analogy, Alfie. Saddam’s Iraq is to the US as Poland in 1939 was to Hitler’s Germany. Let us explore that analogy.
So Poland had tried to assassinate a former leader of Germany. Maybe Poland was behind the Reichstag fire. Just for starters. So about a decade previous to 1939, the German nation and an international coalition had gone to war with the Polish nation over Polish troops unilaterally occupying a small nation. So an international coalition led by German troops had liberated that small nation, with the approval of the League of Nations. The international coalition, led by German troops, had subsequently driven into Poland, and stopped when a cease-fire was held, although the international coalition led by German troops could have easily marched into Warsaw.

And just as Iraq had defied many UN Security Council resolutions after the cease-fire, Poland had defied countless League of Nation resolutions.

Please bear in mind, Alfie, that it was you that brought up the analogy, not I.

By the way, WHAT Karl Rove quote were you referring to? My guess is that the quote referred to the jihadists, NOT to Saddam.

Gringo   ·  February 12, 2008 05:48 PM

I hadn't previously explored the Hitler link. Obama is a skilled orator who relies on vague messages devoid of actual content, with more emphasis on an emotional connection with his audience instead of communicating specific policy proposals. Hitler was a skilled orator who could mesmerize an audience.
While both Obama and Hitler are/were good orators, I find the analogy rather far-fetched.
Lame, even. There are far better reasons to not support Obama than to make a comparison to Hitler.

Gringo   ·  February 12, 2008 06:02 PM

BO: "I will lead you where you want to go."
Voter: "Where is that?"
BO: "Don't ask stupid questions."

Obama - The Audacity of Nothing

If he starts talking about Will....

M. Simon   ·  February 12, 2008 07:00 PM

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