The New Fallujah

Michael Totten has a piece up on what he saw on his recent trip to Fallujah. He says it is still very third world but nothing like it was a year ago. In fact he has this amazing (to some of our "liberal" friends) quote from a wedding party he saw on the streets.

Sharply dressed Iraqi men and children got out and walked up to meet us. They were so friendly. An older man in a keffiyeh greeted us so warmly and sincerely it was obvious his affection was real. "Thank you, thank you," he said. We all knew what he meant. Thank you for being here. Thank you for the security.
Michael has pictures and text. He talks about being a non-combatant in a war zone. One Marine officer asks him if he would pick up a weapon in a fire fight which is illegal for non-combatants. Michael's reply is a classic.
"Anyway," I always said to Marines who thought I should carry a weapon, "if it gets bad enough out here that you're relying on me in a fight, you're really screwed."
Go and read the whole thing. He has lots of pictures including what might be an explanation of why electricity supplies in Iraq are so bad.

H/T Instapundit

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 01.02.08 at 01:31 PM


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