Morals And Values

I just got a call from the Campaign to Restore Morals and Values 1-877-266-6277. They were asking me if I knew about all the sex offenders living in the neighborhood. Then some one came on the line and asked me what my first name was and as soon as I began to give it they hung up.

I suspect it was some kind of push poll. Here is the only link I could find on the outfit and they are talking about receiving calls as well.

Any one else have any skinny on them?


I called the number and it seems like some kind of scam to get you to change your long distance provider. The name of the company is United American Technologies. They gave me a couple of urls and

A friend of mine just called me and said they are scammers. I'm going to call my phone company and make sure I don't get jacked around. If they call you do not answer any questions in the affirmative. If you get your service through cable you likely have what is called a change freeze on the account. If you get your service through normal providers you need to call them and have a change freeze put on your account. That should keep them at bay.

Let me add that the lady who called gave her name as Charlotte and she seemed so nice. A sweet Southern voice. My friend says that the Southern States refuse to police these scammers. I would think the fact that they are doing this across state lines should make it a Federal Offense. I wonder why they are not getting shut down.

Wiki has a page on them. Very interesting.

Also it seems North Carolina had a fraud action against the company in 2006.

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 01.09.08 at 07:54 PM


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Oh, they're the worst. They were after me with this nonsense for a while (saying that the organized homosexual movement is after my children!), but there was no way to call them back, as the number in the caller ID was not functional. They break the law, and they're backed by some congressman or another. I started a post and never finished it, as there were other things to do. Total assholes!

They did come up with a relatively new idea of using a political message as a marketing device, but by calling people who don't want to hear that type of message, they're in a gray area. The involvement of a congressman is intriguing. I'd love to see a big lawsuit.

Eric Scheie   ·  January 10, 2008 08:09 AM

Hey, I just found my unfinished post -- dated 08-01-07. This is the first time I've published an unfinished post as a comment -- so thank you for providing the opportunity!

(Text follows.)

Political phone service?

This is fishy. While I was out running, I got a call from an organization caling itself the National Campaign for Morals and Values, which claims that the way to stop pornography is to stop gay marriage.

The number they're ostensibly calling from is 866 266 6277, and when I Googled that I discovered that they've been calling people with the same line as the "National Coalition to Stop Pornography" for over a year.

People seem to be taking them seriously, but I'm suspicious. There's no way to call them back, no address given, and no way to talk to anyone if you're interested in donating.

I'm on state and national Do Not Call lists, but these bleeps have called 5+ times. Each time I press "1" just to talk to a human, I'm hung up on. Ditto for a call just now.
Broad ranting about same sex marriage. Try to call back and Number on caller ID is "No Longer In Service". Wouldn't that be considered fraud?
just call this number and ask to be removed from the calling list: 1-800-394-2611. i was just hung up on because i did not want the long distance service but I wanted the information on stopping child pornography. So I called back and she gave me a bogus website.

office building,+Oklahoma+CIty,+OK&hl=en&safe=off&start=10&sa=N

Eric Scheie   ·  January 10, 2008 08:14 AM

It was lucky for me I wrote the number down immediately, because the next call I got wiped the number from my phone's caller ID list.

How do they do that?

M. Simon   ·  January 10, 2008 04:38 PM

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