Good Hearts - Bad Ideas

H/T Instapundit

Commenter Oregon Guy suggested this post. He has a link to a very good Milton Friedman video interview. You should take a look. Also have a look at the Lileks piece he links to. The economic stuff is at the bottom of the Lileks post.

posted by Simon on 01.02.08 at 01:37 PM


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Love your edits.

In Oregon the dominant political theme seems to be "how can I help you if you won't let me take from you what I need to help you?"

Please, a return to self-interest. I'm better off when I'm taking care of me and you are taking care of you. If you need a hand, ask. And remember, "please" is optional but a worthwhile conversation tool.

OregonGuy   ·  January 2, 2008 05:17 PM

My tribute to Milton Friedman:

Donkeyrock   ·  January 2, 2008 05:43 PM

Guess I couldn't add an image... here's the address:

Donkeyrock   ·  January 2, 2008 05:44 PM

I was a big believer in Milton Friedman-style economics in college, but I've since gotten wise.

If you're not afraid of the truth about why Richard Nixon abandoned Friedman's free market dogma, and how Friedman's influence has been a disaster in South America and Asia, read Naomi Klein's "The Shock Doctrine."

Dingo   ·  January 2, 2008 06:05 PM

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