Choose Your Commissar

I'm really depressed by the news that Fred Thompson will drop out of the race if he does not come in second in Iowa. In my opinion Fred would have the best chance in the general election. He also best represents my position on the major issues. So maybe I'm biased. Huckabee depresses me. Totally. Almost as bad as Hillary.

I'm from Illinois and closely followed Obama's '004 Campaign. He is more Marxist than Hillary. It does not bode well for the future of our country.

At least for the time being we have our choice of Commissars. Obama seems like a nice Commissar.

Prompted by an e-mail discussion with Eric of Classical Values.

Commenter LarryD says the rumor about Fred dropping out if he doesn't do well in Iowa is a false one. He cites this Captain's Quarters post which links to Iowahawk. I stand by the rest of my observations.

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 01.03.08 at 11:03 AM


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Simon, Fred Thompson is a Southern fried hack politician of the worst kind, a former lobbyist for crying out loud! Do you really believe Americans are so gullible that they would elect him because they've seen him on TV? As for Huckabee, Baptist minister or no, he doesn't have a prayer of winning the general election. The GOP hierarchy knows this, and there is no way in Hell they are going to allow him to win the primaries. If Huckabee builds momentum, look for a manufactured scandal or "deicing malfunction" on his plane.
It's a great day to be a Democrat!

YogiBarrister   ·  January 4, 2008 01:15 PM

Cheer up Simon, Fred Thompson is dipped, breaded, and ready for the fryer. He isn't dropping out, despite the rumors. In fact your post may have hurt his cause.

YogiBarrister   ·  January 4, 2008 03:36 PM

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