My seconding of Maureen Dowd's giant seconding sound!

Who is responsible for what Maureen Dowd says in her column? I'd like to give credit where credit is due, and I don't just mean the link. While I saw it this morning, I now see that Glenn Reynolds linked it late last night. He liked the "humiliating Hillary and lighting an exploding cigar when things are going well" part, but the whole thing is a hoot.

It's almost as if [Hillary's] offering herself to Clinton supporters as the solution to the problem of the 22nd Amendment.

Bill is a narcissist, but he's also within his rights to think that she has invited him onstage. If she is his legacy, why should he muzzle himself? After all, you can't ask Elvis to behave like Colonel Parker.

If voting for Obama is a roll of the dice, as Bill suggests, voting for Billary is a sure bet: an endless soap opera.

OK, I couldn't agree more.

But there's a problem right there with my not being able to agree more, because I have devoted no less than two blog posts to Hillary Clinton and the 22nd Amendment issue. In one of them, I quoted Ann Althouse, on the question of whether Hillary's support among women "represents 'a hunger to make history':

I don't believe it... unless the "history" in question is: first President to make an end run around the 22nd Amendment.
As I said, I couldn't second that enough, and as I can't get enough of my not being able to second that enough (especially now that it's been seconded by Maureen Dowd), I'm going to go out of my way and second (for the second time) my inability to second it enough:
I can't second that enough! That's exactly what this race is. A tawdry and tacky solution to a constitutional inconvenience:
I'm sorry, but the idea of a wife of a president who could never become president on her own becoming president as an end-run around the Constitution is cheap, tawdry, and above all tacky.

From a feminist perspective, it is insulting and degrading for women. But the feminists don't especially care how they smash the Last Glass Ceiling.

I realize that it is more than repetitive to second the seconding of yourself seconding someone else, but I hope readers will indulge me, as this is not only a special occasion, but a doubly special one. After all, not only are we talking about seconding views of the 22nd Amendment, but the Dowd column was posted on the 22nd of December. That's a lot of 2s!

But the question of who should be seconding whom goes to my question of who is responsible for Maureen Dowd's views. Am I agreeing with Maureen Dowd? Or is Down agreeing with me, and Ann Althouse (and doubtless countless others who take a dim view of Hillary's wink-wink Second Term Twenty Second Amendment Distress Candidacy)?


Maybe that's too much of a mouthful.

Should I have said maybe "Hillary's wink-wink 2nd Term 22nd Amendment Distress Candidacy"?

And what about the "soap opera" bit? Is that genuine Dowd?

Or is it Dowd as Limbaugh? How about Dowd as Surber?

I have to say, it was gratifying this morning to see some of my own thoughts echoed (if not seconded) by a left wing feminist.

Let me go on record as being at least the second to second the seconding of the "second term" 22nd Amendment second rate candidacy!

posted by Eric on 12.23.07 at 10:22 AM


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I'm sorry, but the idea of a wife of a president who could never become president on her own becoming president as an end-run around the Constitution is cheap, tawdry, and above all tacky.

From a feminist perspective, it is insulting and degrading for women. But the feminists don't especially care how they smash the Last Glass Ceiling.

And, of course, the greatest helping of risibility stems from the fact that the President upon whose um, coat-tails this insulting and degrading candidacy rests is a man whose entire career has been insulting and degrading for all the women he has used as willing or unwilling human trick rags.
Bill Quick   ·  December 23, 2007 11:41 AM

Don't underestimate the number of women who would vote for HRC for no other reason than her sex.

Brett   ·  December 23, 2007 11:46 AM

I don't think its as much as Bill wanting a third term as Hillary getting her due. In my blog, I point out that Dowd sees Bill as more of a hindrance than a help due to his inflated ego.

Mo MoDo   ·  December 24, 2007 01:35 AM

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