When losing is winning

No, I'm not talking about Democratic hopes for a U.S. defeat in Iraq.

I just watched Ian Schwartz's video of James Dobson explaining why he intends to support a third party candidate even if it means a Hillary Clinton presidency.

The YouTube link is here. Or you can click on the image below (from the Fox News poll) showing the Dobson Hillary victory:


Noting the obvious (that the result would be a landslide victory for HRC, and that Dobson has already stated that in addition to not supporting Giuliani, he also won't support Thompson or McCain), Hannity asked Dobson whether he would accept the inevitable result of a Hillary Clinton presidency.

Dobson admitted it would be difficult. However, in light of Giuliani's "personal moral background" (I'm assuming he means his divorced marital status), his positions on abortion and gay marriage, the question boils down to this:

"Why would we support someone when we would have to hold our noses?"
Since when is there something wrong with holding your nose, Dr. D? I've been holding mine (and blogging about it) for years. In fact, I'm holding it right now as I contemplate the Doctor's moral prescription of making sure the nation has a fatal dose of Hillary simply because he can't stand Giuliani. (At this rate things are going, though, I might have to trade in my nose clip for a barf bag.)

There's also Dobson's final rationale:

"I don't believe Giuliani can beat Hillary in the first place."
There is nothing new about any of this, unfortunately. I have been predicting it for years.

However, I think more nose holding is called for all around. Seriously, I think it's easier to understand Dobson if you can hold your nose and put yourself in his position. If Giuliani is actually elected president, Dobson will be in the position of being in the same political party as a president he abhors, and while he'll be free to dissent and scream all he wants about things like Giuliani's "personal background," he will seem increasingly isolated, increasingly shrill, and increasingly fringe. It is not in Dobson's political interest to be in the fringes of his own party; he wants to be a major mainstream dissenter from the Satanic regime of the Wicked Witch. Seen this way, his wanting (or acquiescing to) Hillary to be president is far from an argument that he likes her. Rather, it's like being able to select your favorite enemy in advance of the coming showdown in the great moral and cultural war. At best, Giuliani is seen as someone who compromises with evil. Hillary is the Real Deal.

Another factor is the economic one. While Dobson would be the last to admit it, his organization stands to gain far more if Hillary is elected than if Giuliani is elected. Hillary scares the living bejeezus out of the Dobsonite rank and file, while Giuliani is just another "RINO" of the type they've all seen and complained about for years. Little old ladies will be much more likely to write checks if they think they are saving the nation from evil than if they think they're helping to put pressure on a moderate Republican to stop him from possibly appointing a Gay Outreach Coordinator to the Assistant's Assistant to the Assistant Undersecretary of Undersecretarial Assistance. (Or whatever.)

From the Dobson perspective, a Giuliani presidency will be furthering the decline of an already muddled, RINO-ridden GOP.

Hillary as president will be seen as "clarifying." Electrifying, even. Why, with any luck, the "loser RINO GOP" might be forced to embrace Dobson's third party candidate as part of a "reconciliation" with the "betrayed base," and whoever the third party candidate is (Gingrich, maybe? He's divorced, but had the foresight to grovel to Dobson over it....) could become the certain-to-lose challenger to the Clinton incumbency in 2012. By that time, the nation's demographics will be hopelessly in the Democrats' favor, and the right-wing fringe can further circle the wagons and imagine themselves the only Americans left who can preserve traditional (read 1930s) values. Whether they'd see themselves as the equivalent of preservationist monks in the Dark Ages, or maybe engaging in a "Long March" to "take back the culture" I don't know. But the votes just aren't there for them to win with an acceptable candidate, they know it, and Hillary is in their best interests right now.

I know it's not scientific, but I'm wondering what readers think. So here's a poll:

Which presidency would be in the best personal interests of James Dobson?
A Rudy Giuliani presidency
A Hillary Clinton presidency
pollcode.com free polls
posted by Eric on 10.10.07 at 09:11 AM


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I'm going to quote you.

Patrick Joubert Conlon   ·  October 10, 2007 11:13 AM

At the end of "Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail", Hunter Thompson is sitting on a plane grousing to his neighbor (approximate quote) "I'm sick of holding my nose and voting for the least worst choice. When is it our turn? When do we get to pull the lever for someone we actually like?"

35 years later, most of us are still asking that same question. In my opinion, the answer is, we will have to continue holding our nose for as long as we are willing to continue holding our nose. We will not get a quality candidate until we demand one and will settle for nothing less.

Maybe that means the other side wins in the short term, but that is a price we have to be willing to pay if we ever want better candidates. In the long run, you win by putting your vote in play, you lose by guaranteeing it to one side or the other.

tim maguire   ·  October 10, 2007 11:31 AM


Even if it means completely socialized medicine? No thanks.


I wanted to vote for Ron Paul. LOL

M. Simon   ·  October 10, 2007 11:37 AM

This is the price the Republican Party is paying for selling its soul to clowns like Dobson back in the 1980s.

Dobson is just the latest example of the pietist heresy, BTW.

Mad Insomniac   ·  October 10, 2007 12:38 PM


The place to make your stand for the candidate you want is in the primaries, not in the general election. In the primaries you can be idealistic... in the general election, you have to be pragmatic.

John S.   ·  October 10, 2007 07:50 PM

Gasp! So Bush is not the Anti-Christ who raises Babylon to its former glory, but Hillary?

Scott   ·  October 10, 2007 11:46 PM

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