Prevent Global Warming - Bring Back Slavery

First let me introduce you to a man you ought to know.

Tim Flannery, named the 2007 Australian of the Year for his work in alerting the public to the dangers of global warming, said the issue was the greatest challenge facing humanity in the 21st century.

Flannery said predictions in a 2001 UN report, warning the atmosphere was likely to warm by 1.4 to 5.8°C from 1990 to 2100 now appeared conservative.

"In the six years since then, we've collected enough data to (check) whether those projections are valid or not," he said. "It turns out they're not valid, but in the most horrible way - because for the key performance indicators about climate, change is occurring far in advance of the worst-case scenario."

So what does our brilliant Mr. Flannery have to say about other dangers of runaway global warming from CO2?

Something pretty strange even for a climate scientist.

We really did not understand climate change until recently. That was largely a result of the computer models that we were relying on for vital data. These computer models were inherently conservative and a lot of the feedback was biased as a result.An example of this can be found in the way that data on the relation of global warming to hurricanes was projected. In 2004, the computer models predicted that global warming would increase hurricane activity by 20% by 2080. The next year Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans. With new computer models available to us, we have been able to measure the increase in the energy produced by hurricanes over the last three decades and we now know that it increased by 60% during that period. There is no way that this rise can be accounted for by hurricane cycles.

Another example of the way that new data is helping us understand global warming comes from the taking of core samples from the earth. In 2006, the first sediment core from the Arctic Ocean has shown that the ocean temperature in this area was around 24 degrees Celsius fifty-five million years ago. This was much warmer than has been previously realized, almost tropical in fact, and is dramatic proof of how the earth's climate does change.

The evidence for global warming has been there all along and I really regret that it has taken us so long to understand it.

Can some climate scientist explain how a really warm Arctic 55 million years ago explains current CO2 caused warming?

I suppose it could if you assume natural cycles. However, I don't think Mr. Flannery would agree with that.

This is craziness.

In any case Mr. Flannery knows what to do.

The more I think about it, the situation is like that of the people who launched the anti-slavery campaign in the late 1700's. One of the group's leaders, William Wilberforce, is a great hero of mine. When they began their efforts, people were getting rich by degrading the lives of the slaves brought over from Africa to work on the plantations in the West Indies and America. It must have seemed hopeless at first, faced by the opposition of corrupt parliaments and wealthy merchants and planters. Yet, these Abolitionists changed the world by the force of their moral argument and I believe that moral argument will win the day and lead to solutions for global warming.

Actually, the two causes, the abolition of slavery and stopping global warming are closely linked. In the 1800's, the labor of slaves was replaced by steam-powered machines powered by coal and oil. Now, the use of these fossil fuels is confronting us with a moral dilemma and I am confident we will make the right choice.

So what is he proposing? A return to slavery to prevent global warming?

Pretzel logic.

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 09.29.07 at 11:52 AM


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Actually, if you look at NOAA data, there were 13 total hurricanes in the decade of the 1920's and 24 total hurricanes in the decade of the 1940's. That's an 84% increase in only twenty years!! Can that be explained by hurricane cycles? There were 15 total hurricanes in 2005 but only 5 in 2006, which is a 66% drop in a single year. Can that be explained by hurricane cycles?

Interesting thought processes...

jan   ·  September 29, 2007 07:45 PM

Mr. Simon,

I'm sure you know this site:

For those that haven't experienced it's worth the time. If you have difficulty with the math, try Ponder the Maunder, a web page hosted by an high school student:

I love it when math-impaired Lefties offer the "figures lie and liars figure" defense when confronted by mathyness.

But if Hansen's results can't be replicated...I think that offers a serious problem for the "consensus" view. Neh?

OregonGuy   ·  September 30, 2007 12:59 PM

Forget the damn global warming and just bring back slavery.

Since we can't ship em all back to africa as would be done in a perfect world, let's chain em up and put them to work.

Beat's having them continuously chimp out and fill up our jails...

Plus the country would smell better.

Ginsu   ·  October 2, 2007 01:54 PM

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