Prevent Global Warming - Give Up Soda Pop

That would be one little change that could help put off the advent of catastrophic global warming.

Soda pop drinkers and the companies that supply the soda drinkers are intentionally destroying the planet. One thing soda drinkers could do is to put one can out of every six they drink in storage. That would sequester at least part of the CO2.

So some one is going to tell me next that the CO2 is coming from natural sources. OK. So they have it in tanks. Why are they putting it in soda pop instead of burying it?

How can they release dangerous gases into the world?

Inspired by papertiger in the comments at The Reference Frame

Cross Posted at Power and Control and at The Astute Bloggers

posted by Simon on 09.01.07 at 06:55 AM


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I guess this would be a more appropriate section to place this post.

Why not tell people around how to dispose their umm CO2, after all the Gaian Priests tell us to do so right?

Oh here is an update with MikeB the Supreme Gaian Priest. The Dear Leader (MikeB) said (comment #114) in response to my astonishment of his Al Capone quote:

Frankly, I'm a little concerned that a) you seemingly refuse to believe that climate change is real, despite the truely massive amounts of evidence (just check out RealClimate for someone to answer your questions); and b) that you are 'floored' by my use of Al Capone's quote. It simply repeats the truth (which is evident to any parent) that sometimes asking nicely is not enough. If your shocked by that, you should get out more.

One, his quote in "a" apparently means he ignored my statement that CO2 from fossil fuels could be a problem.

Two, and this is the best part, part "b" of Dear Leader's quote implies that adult citizens are children and Mommy government must babysit them. He even repeats that meme again! Go take a look, he just keeps digging deeper!

The Gaians' fetish for power and control in the name of their faith is simply amazing!

Sorry to repeat the post, but I believe this section is much more appropriate for it than the last section.

Robert   ·  September 1, 2007 08:46 AM

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